to whom it may concern

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Kinda thankful that my teacher for PE is not that teacher again...

Because there'll be no favoritism..

Like Wtf ma'am? She's your favorite because what? She's good at karate, she's tall, you favor here than anyone in your class, it's so unfair.

Like dude, then this girl takes advantage of it because the teacher has a crush on her~

Bro tell her to have some distance, you have a boyfriend for goodness sake yet you're taking advantage of her feelings...I mean yeah it's 21st century but WHERE'S THE RESPECT?! THE MANNERS?! WHEREEEEEE?

I'm not jealous, I'm just pissed off at how she gets good grades, I mean yeah I won't deny she's good and smart but it makes you overthink that she's making her pass because she likes her  like at the spar, she didn't win that spar, my friend did, we pointed out that my friend won not her but oh well humans

Well I'm glad she's not my teacher in PE anymore. I mean I like her, I do she's nice but favouritism? Nah that's not in my vocabulary

Well it's my opinion, not that it matters. People have different opinions about someone and I'm just sharing mine

Humans are stupid, what can I say? I'm stupid, someone's stupid, they're stupid everyone's stupid but whatever, 21st century, my ass...

Kiss my ass UNIVERSE!!! if I have one

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