1: The Art of Getting By

Beginne am Anfang

"I will. Don't worry." Jake's hand wipes it away. My hand intertwines with his as I lay my head against his chest. I focus on his steady heartbeat and start to doze off. "Hey, stay awake until your side effects wear off." Jake shakes my arm. I open my eyes and curl in closer.

"Why?" I mumble.

"Because it's not safe for you to sleep after a seizure." He replies.

"But I'm tired." I whisper.

"I know you are." He strokes my hair. "But you have to stay awake okay?"

"I'll try."
I walk over to the door and press my ear against it.

"Stay calm Jacob, she'll be okay." Sue says.

"I know Sue, but she doesn't. I can sense it. She gets scared when she falls asleep, or even when we pass a cop. El's got PTSD, bad." Jake's voice is shaky, like he's mad or something. That's my cue. I slowly open the door and walk out.

"What's wrong?" I ask with concern.

"It's nothing El, don't get worried over it." Jake replies. I plop down on the couch and fold my legs up under me. I play with the sleeves of my sweater.

"Hey El, I'm going to La Push, wanna join?" Leah asks me. Leah- Leah Clearwater, Sue's daughter, she's 18. Stuck in a stupid 'love triangle', or used to be anyways. Sam was dating Leah, Emily comes along, Sam imprints, and Leah is left alone. She left Sam's pack, along with Jake and a few others.

"Sure." I reply.

"Are you coming too Jake?" Leah adds.

"No, it's just La Push, she pretty much lives there." Jake scoffs. Leah and I walk out the door and to La Push. The woods is quiet for this time of year, something has to be wrong, or the animals are just sleeping instead of gathering food. Sure sign that winter won't be harsh. You learn things if you live in the woods long enough. We get to the shores of La Push and throw off our shoes. I turn my head and see Seth coming toward us. Seth- Seth Clearwater, Leah's little brother. He's about 15, youngest wolf ever to be let in to Sam's pack. And he left. Even before Leah, but still after Jake. Jake left, and then Seth, Leah, and a few more.

"El, Leah!" Seth greets.

"Hey." I say quietly and wave, Leah just nods.

"Wait, Jake let you out of the house without him?" Seth asks me.

"Yes dumbass, why else would she be here." Leah replies smacking him upside the head. I giggle.

"Ouch, what the hell!" Seth throws his hands up.

"I don't think you hit him hard enough." I whisper to Leah. She purses her lips and nods, then punches him in the gut. Seth falls over and rolls on the ground. I kick him playfully once or twice then help him up.

"For being an idiot." I say. Seth's eyes widen, like he hasn't heard me talk before. Oh wait, that's because he hasn't, much. He's heard me talk, just not that many words at one time. The only people who normally hear that is Jake, Leah, Sue, Alice, Bella, Rosalyn, and Carlisle. "What?" I ask.

"You, uh, just normally don't talk." He flutters his eyes.

"Well, sorta have abandonment issues, ya know. My whole entire family deserted me when I was nine so. That and living in the woods alone for almost 7 years, you forget what talking to people is." I scoff.

"El, what kind of snake has diamonds on its back?" Leah asks.

"Run!" I say running back toward the house and Seth and Leah follow.

"What happened?" Jake asks walking over to me.

"Leah about had a close in counter with a rattlesnake." I reply trying to catch my breath. Jake looks at my arms, then my neck, then my arms again.

"I'm the one that almost got bit dumbass!" Leah yells.

"You're also supernatural, and can heal!" Jake snaps. I intertwine my hands with his and look in his eyes. "Go inside." He whispers to me. I sigh and let go of his hands walking to the house.

"Come on." Sue motions me inside. I can hear growling and snarling. I turn to go back out. "Don't get in the middle of it, it's dangerous." I walk in and sit in the far corner of the couch and pull me knees to my chest. I put my hood over my head, and my head in my knees. I hug my legs tighter and rock a little. The noise stops as the door slams. I peek my head up a little to see Jake walking in shirtless, and Seth helping Leah in. Jake glances over to me and smiles slightly, then he goes to the room and throws a shirt on. He comes out and sit beside me. I rest my head on his shoulder as his hand intertwines with mine. My legs still against my chest. My breathing is steady as the steady beating drum. I guess Jake can tell that I'm a little scared. He softly presses his lips against my head and pulls back.

"Come with me?" Jake whispers. I nod and we walk off.
"What happened back there?" I ask.

"We got into a fight." Jake's hands clench.

"What's it like? Ya know being a werewolf?" I say changing the subject.

"I don't get cold, I have extreme anger issues, I turn into a giant wolf. So, it's okay, I guess. I mean I probably wouldn't have met you if I wasn't so." He scratches the back of his neck.

"Yeah I guess you're right. I'd be too fast for you if you weren't a wolf." I scoff plating with the sleeves of my sweater. "Where are we going anyways?" I ask.

"A place."

"More specific."

"Can't tell you that." Jake chuckles.

"Are we close?"

"Not exactly."

"Are we far away?"

"Not exactly."

"Then where are we?"



Lily Collins as Elizabeth Rivers

Twilight Cast as Themselves

More Characters devolpe throughout the story...

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