Leather, Lace and Rock-n-Roll

Start from the beginning

Shadow snickered beside them.

"You have something to say, Shadow?" Max challenged.

Hawke watched Shadow's Adam's apple bob as he swallowed. "No."

"Come here, Rick." Cameron waltzed toward the half-naked civil servant. "I'll hold your hose while you climb the ladder."

Hawke's eyes widened. Did she mean that like it sounded? Or was he so damn turned on by this whole thing he heard wrong?  He held his breath and looked at Max. Not a clue.

"Next victim," Cameron sang, handing Rachel the camera while she picked up the bottle of oil.

Rachel set down the camera and glanced at Hawke. One look into her eyes told him exactly what he wanted to know. She still felt the brunt of his betrayal and he was helplessto change her mind.

Hawke released a heavy breath as she turned her attention back to the bronzed muscle next to her. What the hell did he hope to accomplish by this? He checked his watch, nervous as a whore in church about how this mission would play out.

Cameron tilted her head to one side and glanced at Max. "We're short a month."

Max shifted his weight. "In your dreams."

"Too hot out here for you?"

Max gave his head a slight nod. "Something like that."

She shrugged and glanced at Steele. "What about you, Brett?"

Hawke expected Steele to oblige but one sideways look from Max changed that. "No thanks, Cameron."

Cameron headed back to the fire trucks and then stopped to cast a catty smile over her shoulder at Max . "Wuss."

Before Hawke or anyone else could react to Cameron's challenge, tires screeched against the heated pavement and doors slammed in the quiet afternoon. Flashes of light bounced off the fire trucks. Policemen barked orders through bullhorns.

"Cat's out of the bag," Max drawled.

Shadow frowned. "Did Huntington call in a press release?"

Hawke shook his head. "No. Are you sure it's media?"

Shadow left the area and crawled the ladder of one of the trucks. After hesitating only a few seconds at the top, he climbed down and returned. "A whole shitload of news vans out there."

"Rachel." Max signaled for her to come closer. She handed the camera to Cameron and stepped next to Hawke. "You and Hawke talk to them out front. Keep it brief. If Diego makes a move, he only needs a few seconds."

Rachel paled and Hawke prepared to scoop her from the pavement. Instead, she cleared her throat and nodded.

Max looked back at Hawke. "Snipers at ten and two," he continued. "He'll have to dance to get a clear shot. I'll be on your ass. If he wants in, he'll have to come through the blockade."

Hawke glanced at Rachel. Her fingers shook as she tucked her hair behind her ears. "You sure you're still mad enough to do this?"

Daggers flew from her emerald gaze as she answered. "Of course."

Hawke balled his fists until the muscles in his fingers protested. "Let's get this over, Max."

All action in front of the camera stilled. Fireman lounged against the trucks almost if they appreciated the interruption. Even Cameron stood quiet. Hawke grasped Rachel's elbow and lead her around the safety of the barriers until they stood in front of the crowd.

Hawke painted on an undercover smile as he glanced around the area. Reporters thrust microphones in his face and fired questions as cameramen shouldered their equipment and rolled tape.

Leather, Lace and Rock-n-Roll (SEALS, Inc., Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now