Leather, Lace and Rock-n-Roll

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Cameron nodded. "Yeah, but still, who in their right mind would do something like this?"

Rachel could only shrug.

"And how did they get in here?" Cameron demanded.

Rachel paused to analyze Cameron's comment. An iron privacy fence surrounded the neighborhood. The only way in was either through the front entrance and past a security officer or over the top of the fence.

"I suppose they could've climbed over," Rachel mumbled.


Rachel stole a glance at Cameron, dressed in a cute yellow sundress and matching sandals. She groaned and pulled Rick's coat closed.

Cameron tapped her on the shoulder. "Care to explain why your jacket has Martinelli on the back?"

Rachel swallowed hard and opened the coat. "When the dispatcher called me, I hurried over."

Cameron giggled. "You forgot your shoes too."

Rachel looked down at the bedroom slippers on her feet, the ones with yellow smiley faces all over them. She gave Cameron a sideways grin. "I told you, I was in a hurry. I see you took time to dress."

Cameron grunted. "I didn't have a choice. The booming voice on the other end of my phone call told me to quote, Get dressed and get the hell over here so you wouldn't be alone, end quote."

Rachel bit her lip to stifle a giggle. "Max?"

"The one and only. It's probably only a matter of seconds before he blows in here."

Rachel glanced at the now scorched area. "Surely they can clear this out tomorrow."

"Um, Rachel." Cameron waved a hand in front of Rachel's face. "Does Hawke know about you and Rick Martinelli?"

"No, we didn't discuss past relationships." She shrugged. "Besides, his list is longer than mine."

"Yeah, but he's not walking toward you with one of his conquests, just yours."

Still distracted by the ashy carnage in front of her, Rachel didn't bother to respond. Her relationship with Rick was the furthest thing from her mind. Until Cameron spoke again.

"Well, if it isn't Mr. August."

Rachel moved her gaze to focus on the three men who now stood next to her. Max appeared his business-as-usual self. Rick shook his head at Cameron's introduction. Hawke appeared very interested in Cameron's greeting.

He raised an eyebrow. "Who's Mr. August?"

After a few awkward seconds of silence, Rick cleared his throat. "That would be me."

Instinct told Rachel she should explain before the conversation took a dangerous U-turn, except just as she opened her mouth, Max folded his arms across his chest and took control of the conversation.

He turned to Cameron. "Does your mother know you look at that stuff?"

Someone sucked in a short breath. Someone else, most likely Rick, muffled a curse.

Cool as a cucumber, Cameron just grinned. "I only read the articles."

Rather than stop right there, Max poked Cameron again. "Care to share what you've learned?"

Rachel placed both fingers to her temples. "Stop! Please. Nobody reads anything like that."  She turned to glare at Cameron. "At least I don't think so. Rick volunteered to pose for a fireman calendar."

Obviously amused, Hawke grinned. "What about the other eleven months?"

"My crew," Rick mumbled.

Leather, Lace and Rock-n-Roll (SEALS, Inc., Book 1)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu