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Beep, beep, beep.

What's beeping?

I open my eyes, it takes a moment to focus on my surroundings. The walls are pale blue and white, and a night light illuminates the room. To my right is a thin metal pole with a bag full of clear liquid hanging off of it. The pouch has a thin tube winding down towards my bed. Following the tube with my eyes I notice it goes under the grey comforter. I push the blanket down and see the tube end at a large patch of cloth tape on my arm.

The beeping has yet to stop, its dull and soft tone over time fades into the background. I search for the source and my eyes land on a computer screen that shows a few different colored lines moving in some sort of sync. There are some numbers on the side of the screen which I can't read properly at the angle I'm laying at. 

I sit up slowly, my body aching and almost rejecting the movement entirely. I push the blanket farther down around my knees and swing my legs off the side of the bed. I feel numb and cold, an overwhelming soreness in my bones leads me to believe I've been here a while. I brush my hair out of my face. I peel off the various stickers and tubes from my body letting them land on the mattress. The beeping stops soon after, now replaced with a dull monotonous lull.

The tape on my arm starts to itch uncomfortably as I move. I peel the cloth off and it reveals a needle. I shudder and pull it out of my arm, gagging before the small hole starts to bead up with blood.

Wiggling off the bed I hold onto the cold metal handles as my feet touch the floor. I stand slowly, my legs not wanting to support my weight as I try to get used to the wobble in my knees. 

"Come on," I breathe out as I reach towards a nearby chair to stabilize myself to cross the room towards a counter covered in boxes hiding in the shadows. I'm almost positive what I'm looking for is over there.

I stumble towards the counter and search around in the dim lighting. I find a box of bandages and paste one onto my arm.

Without much warning, outside the room were the footsteps of someone running. The door swings open, banging against the doorstop and a woman in blue scrubs bursts into the room. I can't see her expression but she has short dark hair that frames her thin face quite nicely.

"Miss!?" She flicks on a light, practically blinding me, she's breathing heavily, "Wh-what are you doing?" 

She storms towards me, grabs my arm, and guides me back to the bed. Forcing me back onto the mattress, she fixes the blanket around me and takes a few staggered breaths. I watch her silently as she rushes to the other side of the bed to look at the computer screen. She presses a button the tone stops. The woman huffs and puts a small white box on my finger. We wait a moment, and I can see her face now, she has a worried expression that speaks much louder than the exhaustion clouding her soft brown eyes. She writes something down on a small pad of paper before she pulls off the white box. She checked me over briefly and was less than thrilled to see that I had pulled the needle from my arm. She walks to the counter, pulling something from the drawer, and turning back to me. 

"Don't touch this," she wipes my other arm with a cold pad before she sets a new needle into my arm. She drapes the rubber tube from the hanging pouch across the bed and connects the end of it to the new needle. She pulls a roll of the same cloth tape out of her pocket and fastens the needle to my arm, "You need to keep this in, this too," she pulls the rubber tubes that I had taken out of my nose and tucks it around my ears allowing me to fasten it myself.

She tidies up my bed and shuffles some of the equipment around before she sighs to herself with a satisfied smirk. 

"You really shouldn't be out of bed," the woman then points to a green button with a white picture of a phone on a panel of the bed frame. There are various other buttons on this control panel. Her pale pink lips curve into a polite smile, "If you need anything, press this button, I'm Nurse Yui, and I'm just a call away, okay?"

Amnesiac - Satoru Gojo X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora