In Her Heat - Chapter Twenty Three

Start from the beginning

"It's going to get worse before it gets better, you know." Kat's voice floated over to me.

My tone was dry as I said, "Why thank you, that makes me feel ever so much better."

She laughed and sat on the edge of my bed. "Shaman should be over soon with some remedies to help you along. It's just a few days. And then you get to find your mate..." She spoke the last sentence

with a dreamy wistfulness.

"You want to mate?" I asked incredulously. I rolled over to look into her eyes. Yep, definitely dreamy. This was a surprising side to Kat. I would have expected this from Livia, but not sassy, confident Kat.

"Of course. Who doesn't want the man of their dreams?"

"You have no say in it though. It's like playing those games where they spit out a prize at random - you get what you get. No refunds, returns, exchanges or credit notes." I said. I sat up, and clutched a pillow in my lap.

"But it's not random. It's destined."

"Do you really believe that?" I asked sceptically.

"With my heart, body and soul."

"I'm scared," I blurted out. Kat's eyes widened and I slapped my hands over my mouth. I had so not

meant to reveal that.

"You're scared?" She asked. The surprise was clear in her voice.

"I didn't say that," I said quickly, shaking my head in denial.

"You totally did! You, Ainsley, who sacked Cade, are scared of a mating?" Her surprise had turned to amusement. Then, she took on a more serious tone. "The mating doesn't hurt, if that's what you're scared of."

I shook my head. "That's not it, it's just... I've never been great at relationships, and that was when I chose them. They never seemed to last more than four, five months. And now, I find out that I'm going to be thrown into a relationship against my will. One that's for life. That's scary for me."

"You say you chose your relationships... But maybe that's why they didn't work out. Did you ever think maybe Fate knows just a little better than you do?" I opened my mouth to protest, but then found I had nothing to protest against. She had a point. "And believe me, from what I've seen, it won't feel like it's against your will. It'll feel like the most right thing that's ever happened."

I sighed. "I sure hope so." I ran a hand through my hair.

"Stressed?" She asked, sympathetically.

Just as I was about to answer a breeze came through the open window and brushed my nipples. I bit my tongue against the urge to moan and arch against the breeze because, in front of Kat, that would be horribly embarrassing. When I controlled myself, I spoke.

"It's just really hard. There's so many things happening to me that I don't understand. I have history here and this is supposed to feel like my home, but it doesn't. I thought this would bring me closer to my parents but I still don't know what really happened to them - all I have are more questions. And it's like, everyone has such high expectations of me and I don't want to let them down. But I barely believe I can do all the things you guys say I can. I apparently have were blood running through me, but standing next to you guys I feel like a dowdy potato sack. This is the biggest change I've ever had to face in my life and I feel like I'm doing it alone." I paused to breathe. "Plus I'm getting really horny."

Kat, who had been sympathetic through all my talking burst into laughter. For a minute I was shocked, but then, seeing the humour in the last statement, joined in the laughter.

"What's so funny?" came a deep voice from the doorway. My body recognized the voice instantly and responded. My sex flooded and my nipples beaded even harder. Tingles raced across my skin and butterflies fluttered crazily in my lower stomach. The heat shot up.

I looked up and into the rainy gray eyes of Cade. He watched me with a fierce intensity that I sucked in a breath and bit my lip hard to prevent whispering his name. His look was one of sexual intent and appreciation. My teeth sunk lower into my lip as my body responded, preparing itself for the hope of a sensual release.

Kat opened her mouth, and I could see a mischievous glint in her eyes. Before she could tell him the last thing I'd said, I slapped my hand over her mouth. She fell back from the impact, laughter in her eyes. I looked back to Cade, who had one thick eyebrow raised in question. "Nothing. I told a joke."

"Could I hear the joke?" He asked with a slight smile.

Damn! I thought. "Um, it's really not that funny."

"Try me."

"No really, I'm sure the reason you came here is more important."

Seeing I wasn't going to tell him a lame joke or what had really happened, he let it go. That was very un-Cade-like. My guards went up as I became suspicious. "Kat, do you mind...?" He asked, in a tone that mean, get out.

She started to speak, but was muffled by my hand that still covered her mouth. She opted to shake her head. Kat then looked pointedly at me, asking me if I would kindly remove my hand, although we all knew she could easily do that for me. I, cautiously, lifted my hand. When she exited the room without saying anything I sighed in relief.

She was gone two seconds before she poked her head back in to say, "Ainsley's horny."

I threw a pillow at her as my face flamed.

Well wasn't this going just great.

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