Chapter 2

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Mitchell POV:
"MASON?!" "Mitchell what happened I thought you escaped?!" I didn't even say anything back. Before he could even say anything I ran up to him and hugged him tightly. "I MISSED YOU SO MUCH." "But you weren't even gone that long." "I know but the whole time I was gone I was thinking of you." "Yeah I was think of you and my pretty sure Jammni has too." "Where is Jammni?" "She's in some other cell. Like across the asylum." "Like at a whole another area?" "Yeah I think shes at area F." "So she's all the way on the second floor. We are only area B." "Well yeah." "Lets sneak over there. We do all need to escape together." "Uhm what?! We already failed." "So what come on we can do this together. All three of us." "Wheres the key? How are we gonna get out." "The window! We could just break out and sneak to hers. I can turn invisible remember!" "Yeah ok I have a idea." "Ooooo what is it!" "Ok so I'm gonna call a worker over here and your invisible and you take the key." "Ooooo ok good idea Mason!" And we did exactly that. And I got the key. "Did you get it?!" "Yep it's right here!" I pull out the key and walk over to the cell door and push the door open. "Alright! Let's go Mitch." "Alright!" I reach my arm out in order for him to hug me. Then he did and we walked out the cell. We whispered to each other. "I think its that way." He said as he pointed to the door on the right. "The stairs or elevator?" "The escalator that got fixed a hour after you left." "Oh alright that'll work!" Me and Mason walked up the stairs. To the second floor. "Hey here is Area F!" "Yeah but now all we have to find is what cell she's in." Then we heard someone whisper to us. "Hey guys!!" "Thats Jammni!" "Jammni?!" I looked to the left and saw Jammni waving at us in her cell. At this point neither of us where invisible anymore. Although I'm happy I can see Jammni and Mason again but I was enjoying my time with Mason just me and him. To be honest I do kind of.. like him. Romantically. But anyway. Mason opened her cell with the key. "Alright come one-" WEOWEOWEOWEOWEOWEO! We all covered our ears. As a alarm went off. "The fuck?" "We set off a alarm!" "Hurry up then lets go!" I hugged both turning us all invisible as we ran to the exit. Many of the workers ran past to see what happened. We're right in front of the exit like we were before. I let go of them as we looked in front of us. "Alright this time we just run." Mason ran to the door almost unlocking it. Until. The same guard Ian tackled Mason. "MASON GIMMIE THAT KEY!" "UGH GET OFF OF ME!" "AH WHAT DO WE DO!" But before we could decide what to do Ian grabbed the keys and yelled out. "WE GOT THEM." "Well damn it. We can never seem to win." Ian and 2 other worker put us back in our cells. Me and Mason were in ours and Jammni was in hers. It was silent for a while until Mason said. "Don't worry Mitch I'm ok." "Are you sure?!" "Yeah I'm sure. But you know what I really want if we could escape." He turned over to face me while lying down. "What that?" "To see my little sister again." "Oh! Whats she like?" "Alejandra is her name. She has the same power as I did. And she's really upbeat and nerdy." "Is she in a asylum or anything?" "I don't know. Before I left to come here I was the only one apart from herself to know about her power." "Well I promise I'll get us out of here and I'll help you find her." "Thank you Mitch." "Of course! I'll get the three of us out of here I promise."

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