Chapter 11 || Episode 5 Part 2

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Many kids from the camp were searching the river for the radio Bellamy had thrown in there. It was hard due to the constant and rough stream. Azalea and a close friend of ours, Marykate, were beside me, helping and talking to me. 

"So that's Raven, huh?" Azalea asks, looking over to where Raven is as Clarke and Finn are off to the side talking. 

"Yep." I sigh as I look over to the girl whom Finn cheated on me with.

"So not only did Finn cheat on you with Raven, but he also cheated on Raven with Clarke?" Marykate asks, baffled by the situation. Marykate was one of my cellmates. She was a sweet and understanding girl, that's probably why her boyfriend, Mason, took such a liking to her when we got on the ground.

"Like they say, once a cheater, always a cheater." I huff. Marykate snickers at my comment, earning a real laugh from Azalea. We continue to search for the radio as Azalea looks back at Raven. 

"I still can't imagine what Raven or Clarke are feeling," Azalea mutters with saddened eyes. 

"I can." I hurt knowing another girl and one of the people I consider to be family, have to feel the way I did when Finn hurt me. Yet not only were they feeling this, but they were also feeling it with the same guy. We all continue searching the area to hopefully find the radio that we desperately need. If we didn't find a way to contact the Ark, 300 people were going to die for no reason.

"Hey, I found it!" A kid yells as he shakes water from a piece of metal radio. I rush over with Azalea and Marykate following close behind me. Raven beats me there as she takes the radio from the boy's hands and rushes over to land. Bellamy stands in front of us as I face Raven. 

"Can you fix it?" I ask Raven as she picks at it, trying to study it more deeply. She was trying to see all the damage done to it but getting frustrated. 

"Maybe. But it'll take half a day just to dry out the components to see what's broken." Raven tells me. I groan in frustration, we don't have a day, we barely even have hours.

"Like I said, it's too late," Bellamy claimed. I groaned at the sound of his voice. I wasn't only frustrated right now, but I was irritated too. Irritated by Bellamy. 

"Do you have any idea what you've done?" I scoffed as I marched my way towards him. I get face-to-face with him as he shows no remorse for the situation. "Do you even care?" He could practically feel my heated breath as I scolded him. 

"You asked me to help. I helped." He drawled. He seemed emotionless and it was annoying the piss out of me.

"The chancellor's blood might not be on your hands, but 300 other peoples are because you were too selfish to think before you threw our only source of communication to the Ark in a river." I was agitated. Actually, I wasn't agitated, I was furious. he was standing there like what he did was deserved. I get he didn't like the council or the Ark, but God, he could be so selfish and conceded.

"Hold up," Raven stops me from going off any farther off on Bellamy. I groan and turn around to face her. "We don't have to talk to the Ark. We just have to let them know we're down here, right?"

"Yeah, but how do we do that with no radio?" Finn asked. I stare at Raven as her eyes speak before her mouth can. She was excited about the plan she was conjuring. 

"We could use some sort of flares to launch up in the air, high enough for the Ark to see them." Raven beamed. It was a really good idea. I knew Raven was smart when she came down in that pod, but this was considered brilliant to me.

"We could do that, actually. The dropship should have everything we need." I tell her as she grins with excitement. I look behind me to see that Bellamy is annoyed by this, making this plan ten times better.


Raven was demanding things from people left and right. I was helping get some screws from the dropship as others carried tools from all sorts of different places on the Dropship. Raven called Clarke over as Finn intensely watched both of them. I couldn't help but let my curiosity win as I walked over to Finn.

"Tell me you weren't dating Raven when you've been flirting with Clarke since we got down here," I grumbled as I made my way to Finn, who didn't take his eyes off the beautifully tanned girl and the smart blonde. 

"I didn't think I'd see her ever again," Finn admitted. I gave him a face of disgust; it made me feel sick for him to admit what he did and try to justify it.

"So not only did you cheat on me with Raven, but you also cheated on Raven with Clarke. Now, what? Who are you going to use to cheat on Clarke with, hm?" It was nasty and cruel to do this to those two girls. "You're sick, Finn."

"I'm sorry," Finn pleaded.

"I'm not the one to be sorry to," I explained to him as I watched the two girls help each other. 

"What do I do?"

"You know exactly what to do," I tell him.

"Karsten, I can't." I roll my eyes.

"Finn, people who don't learn from history, tend to repeat it. Don't make the same mistake twice." I look at Finn. I couldn't feel sympathy for him, it was hard too. He was hurting my best friend and his girlfriend, the same way he hurt me. "Yet, you're already halfway there," I admit as Finn looks at me with pleading eyes like he was asking me to be the one to tell them, I wasn't going to. If he didn't tell them soon, they'd figure it out on their own. That would be worse for him and them. I walk back over to where I was working to keep undoing the screws. 


We worked our asses off for the rest of the night. Running around grabbing fuel or whatever else Raven needed. We rigged the flares to all go off at the same time. Raven drew a string from the back of the flares like a trigger. She lights up the end of the string as it goes to the flares and a pink fire from the fuel sparks underneath them. The flares take off into the night sky. They exploded one more time before racing to the Ark to hopefully make it in time. I sigh, watching the pink light fade off but still somehow stay glowing in the kids' faces. I feel someone approach behind me to see Bellamy stopping beside me. He was intensely watching the sky as it lit up. His look was ridden with fear for what was to come, but also curiosity. It felt like he was thinking the same thing as everyone else, would it work?

The second set of flares goes off soon after, lighting up the sky once again with its pink spark. I would've enjoyed the beautiful light show if it weren't for the fact that these small six flares determined whether or not 300 lived to see the ground. Bellamy stays right beside me as I keep my eyes on the pink flares in the sky.

"You think they can see it from up there?" Bellamy initiates a conversation.

"I hope so," I admit. I sigh as I continue to talk, "Is it bad to find something that holds the lives of 300 people on it, beautiful?" I ask as I feel Bellamy turn his face to me with confused eyes. "Never mind." I take back what I said as I look back towards the sky, ignoring him. I could feel him keep his eyes on me for a second longer before turning back to the sky, letting a small smirk escape and plaster on his face. 

"I think it's comforting to find something with so much weight on its shoulders, beautiful." He explains. I turn my head to him as he stays staring into the night. I didn't expect him to say something so deep, especially someone like him. 

"I hope you're right." The metaphor felt more relatable than it should've. I sigh as I continue to watch the flares disappear one by one.


I'm sorry it took so long to get these chapters out, but they're finally here. I was very busy with school and having literally no motivation whatsoever didn't help. Also sorry for them being so short but the next few chapters are when things really start to pick up! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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