Chapter 1 || Episode 1 Part 1

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I slowly force my eyes open and feel some sort of rope texture seat belt strapping me into my seated position by my gray shirt and blue jacket. I try to look around to see I'm in some kind of smaller-than-usual metal ship, but a stinging sensation quickly brings my attention to my wrist. I inhale through my teeth as the stinging dies down and see that a thick, metal cuff is placed on my wrist. What the hell? I think as I feel someone kick the back of my seat.

"Seriously?" I turn around as much as I can in my seat to see two familiar faces, Jasper and Monty. Relief slightly creeps into my body knowing I have at least two people I trust here.

"No need to be rude, Karsten." Doesn't matter how relieved I am to see them; they still annoy the shit out of me.

"Shut up, Jas." I roll my eyes. "What the hell is going on?"

"Got us beat. We're just as confused as you are." Monty responses. I sigh while turning around and looking to my right to catch eyes with Azalea, my best friend of 9 years. 2 people sit in between Azalea and me, but they don't seem to have woken up.  I see her smile, close her eyes, and let out a sigh of relief. I'm guessing she was feeling the same way I was before I saw Monty and Jasper.

"Azalea!" I smile. "Thank god, do you know what's going on?" Azalea rolls her eyes in annoyance, not at me, but more at the situation.

"Not a damn clue. One minute I'm in my cell trying to sleep, the next I'm strapped down like everyone else," I groan at Azalea's comment, "Yet, whatever is going on obviously has to do with the prisoners." she added. Azalea nods her head for me to look around. I give her a questioning look and scan the room I'm sitting in as she suggests. I was so busy with everything else that I hadn't even noticed everyone in the room was a prisoner. I didn't even see that there was a downstairs level in the middle of the room me and about 30 other prisoners were fastened in.

"What is go-" My sentence was cut short by a big shift in the metal container, rocking everyone and flickering the lights. My breathing stops a little, but quickly comes back as a monitor turns on showing Chancellor Jaha's face.

"Prisoners of the Ark, hear me now," Jaha began. "You've been given a second chance and as your Chancellor, it is my hope that you see this as not just a chance for you, but a chance for all of us, indeed for mankind itself. We have no idea what is waiting for you down there. If the odds of survival were better, we would've sent others. Frankly, we're sending you because your crimes have made you expendable."

"Your dad is a dick, Wells!" Laughter bellows throughout the metal ship as I look over to my left and see Wells and Clarke sitting together. Clarke looks annoyed while Wells looks down in shame. I don't know how Wells got on a ship full of prisoners seeing as his dad is the Chancellor, but I'm guessing, it was for Clarke. Clarke and Wells were best friends for a long time before Clarke's dad was floated. Now, she hates him. I don't know what he did to make her hate him the way she did, but whatever it was had made Wells dead to Clarke.

"The drop site has been chosen carefully. Before the last war, Mount Weather was a military base built within a mountain. It was to be stocked with enough nonperishables to sustain 300 people for up to two years." My attention on Jaha was swiftly taken away as some girls hooted at a boy who was floating on the ship.

"Go, Finn!" A boy laughed. I roll my eyes, if there were anyone that pissed me off more than Finn Collins, it would be a miracle. I dated Finn when I was 15 till I was 16. He was a real sweetheart for about a year but suddenly got feelings for his childhood best friend, Raven Reyes. He ended up not being able to keep it in his pants and got with Raven. Of course, I don't blame Raven, she didn't know. In fact, I still don't think she knows. But it still hurts like hell to be a prisoner with a free boyfriend and have to find out he cheated on you by some random girl who was also locked up.

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