Chapter 2 || Episode 1 Part 2

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It had been about 15 minutes since we left camp according to Clarke's watch. Clarke was leading per usual; Finn and Octavia weren't too far behind her with me, Monty, and Jasper being almost at the backend of everyone if it weren't for Azalea and Miles flirting behind us. Azalea won't admit this to herself, but she's always liked Miles. They always had some sort of spark since I've known her.

Miles and Azalea were neighbors on the Ark so before Azalea met me, she always had Miles. Azalea's home life wasn't good, A drunken mom, and a non-existent dad, It was a mess compared to Miles who had a mom and dad who adored him since birth and would do anything-- or would've done anything for him. Azalea spent her entire life with Miles and his family because, to her, his family was her family. When her mom would be out late doing God knows what, she was having dinner with Miles and his parents. It became clearer how much they meant to each other when Miles got put into prison because his parents stole from the Ark and threw him under the bus for it. Azalea knew the truth, but no one cared to listen to her. She tried for weeks trying to get the council's attention, but they always found ways to ignore her. Azalea never gave up on trying to get him out but in the meantime, she would constantly visit him and try to talk to him whenever she was allowed to. However, she was stuck with her drunk mom 24/7, so part of the visits were to get away from her. Her mom got sober for 2 years before stealing a bottle of wine and relapsing. This was when she lost it, both of her friends were locked up and her mom was found by the council and floated. Azalea couldn't keep it together any longer. She punched a guard and brought another one to the ground. She was locked up and wasn't allowed to see anyone for a week. She was classified as a "dangerous prisoner." However, what do you expect from a girl who lost her friends and mom within the same year?

"Now, that, my friend, is game." I snap out of my thoughts at Jaspers's voice who was whispering to Monty. I look over to where Jasper was pointing to see Finn placing a pink and yellow flower in Octavia's hair.

"That, my friend, is Poison Sumac," Monty pronounced proudly.

"What? It is?" Octavia runs her fingers through her hair trying to get the flower out of her hair as fast as possible.

"The flowers aren't poisonous. They're medicinal, calming, actually." Monty says before eating one. I give a disgusted look as he looks at me confused about what he did. I roll my eyes while stepping a little in front of him.

"Hey, guys, would you try to keep up?" Clarke stops and turns around to ask.

"Come on, Clarke. How do you block all this out?" Finn asks as he and the rest of us walk up to where Clarke is.

"Well, it's simple. I wonder, why haven't we seen any animals? Maybe It's because there are none." Everyone stops in front of Clarke as she continues to talk. "Maybe we've already been exposed to enough radiation to kill us. Sure is pretty, though." I look at Jasper and Monty who look back at me, a little scared. "Come on." She yelled out to us, walking off.

"Someone should slip her some poison sumac." Octavia snickered, receiving small chuckles from me and the others. We followed behind Clarke before Finn turned around to face Jasper and Monty

"I got to know what you two did to get busted," Finn questioned as we continued to walk.

"Sumac wasn't the only herb in the garden If you know what I mean," Monty responded.

"Someone forgot to replace what we took," Jasper looked forward as Monty gave him a half-amused, half-annoyed look.

"Someone has apologized, like, 1,000 times." Monty retorted.

"God, please don't start this again." I groan.

"Then tell us why you were locked up, Karsten." Finn jeered. I huffed at him, annoyed.

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