Chapter 45- All We Do Is Plan

Start from the beginning

“Unfortunately, yes, I do. But I also don’t have anyone close to me being held up there, or I might feel differently.” I tell him.

“That’s exactly what’s bothering me. If you were up there, I’d kill anyone who even suggested doing such a thing.”  He nervously paces around the room, drumming his fingers on the back of the chairs as he passes by. “I just can’t imagine someone telling me that my loved one was being sacrificed for the good of the pack.”

“Azariah did find that tunnel. Why don’t we try and come up with a plan that includes trying to free them at the same time.” I match his pacing and let my brain do its magic. “We send the rescue team in first. If they can figure out where the others are being held, it will help to prevent Malcomb from gathering them to use against us in the fight. Once they’re confident they’ve pinpointed their location, we send in everything we have to attack from the front and sides. Somehow, the rescue team will need to be able to keep in contact with the other team. It’ll be hard, but not impossible.”

While the wheels in Micah’s head turn, the outside door opens, and the smell of coffee creeps down the hall to my senses. Noah comes scrambling in, muttering an apology for taking so long. It would appear that Marie and Anthony forgot to unlock their doors after I gave the all-clear alert. He’s adorable with the way he runs around, setting up the coffee bar, and making sure everything is just right. Might be a little ocd, but he had an order that everything went in. First, the coffee, then cream or milk, then sugar, then stir sticks. The snacks were always on the end of the table with small plates before the platter.  Thank goodness we have him. If it were up to me, everything would just be tossed on with no rhyme or reason.

“So, are we leaving Alpha Tony out of the meeting?” Micah looks over at me, giving one small nod of his head. It’s evident this isn’t what any of us wanted, but a necessary move to ensure our safety. 

“We’ll contact them at the end, after we decide what to do.”He turns to Noah, “If any of them call, absolutely no information is to be relayed.”

Noah sits down, opens his notebook, and tries to appear as if he’s busy. “Sorry to ask this, but does my opinion count for anything here?” He quietly asks us.

“Of course it does. What is it you want to say?” I sit across from him, giving him my full attention.

“First, I’d like to apologize for overhearing what was said in Jace and Azariah’s room, but you guys don’t exactly talk in low voices.” Micah sits down too, snorting out a laugh. He’s probably thinking about him and Jace’s heated argument. “Ryan and I were held captive not that long ago, so it feels personal to me not to try and save them.”

“Actually Noah, we were discussing this exact thing before you showed up. We’re gonna send in two teams, one to rescue, one to kick ass.” Micah tells him.

“I’d like to go with the rescue team if that's okay.” Noah says. He taps his pen on the opened book, looking anywhere but in Micah’s face. “I know I’m not the best fighter, but…”

Micah cuts him off before he can continue, “Noah, if Jace says you can go, then you can go. He’s not aware of this yet, but he’ll be putting together both of the teams, depending on whether we include the other packs or not. So just hold tight, and wait until everyone else is gone, then we’ll talk with him about it. Deal?”

Noah shakes his head like it was the worst idea he’s ever heard. “You're the boss around here. Why does he get the final say? Remember that cat t-shirt? I’m sure he does.”

The reminder about the adorable Clueless shirt breaks the tension, and we all chuckle for a moment. I wish I was there to see the look on Jace’s face when Noah showed up to boot camp wearing it. Thinking about the interactions within our friends group gives me warm fuzzies. My pups were so lucky that they were going to be born into this beautiful family. 

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