Chapter 30- From Bad To Worse

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Amber's pov

How many times can you almost get your best friend killed, and they'd stop wanting to be your friend?

Not that long ago, I was sitting in our medical facility, praying to our Goddess not to let Azariah die. I remember thinking this exact question and hoping it was more than one. Looks like I needed to add to that number.

She wasn't just my best friend. She was my first. Sure, I've made other friends since then, but I might not have if she didn't come plowing into my life. And how do I repay her? I send her into danger, knowing full well what the outcome might be.

My biggest worry was that they'd get discovered and possibly captured. Which is bad enough on its own. But for her to get crushed, by hundreds of pounds of dirt and old rotting wood that was placed there many years ago. Well, that's an entirely different outcome, and a worse one, too.

I told them the damn thing could cave in. I also told them to look for the opening on a hill side. The fact that Jess fell into the opening should have told them all they needed to know. Whoever built that thing was not the brightest bulb out there.

Did they listen to me? No, no, they did not. The pair of them just had to explore to see where it led to. I already told them where it led to. The cabins at the back of the old boot camps property. Why did they feel the need to see it with their own eyes?

"Azariah! Answer me for fuck sakes," I mind link again. For at least the hundreth time. "Answer me!"

My wolf, Raeh, and I pace around the break room at the office building, anxiety festering within us. I was moments away from charging up there myself and digging her out with my bare hands. Now, that might not be a bad idea.

"Jared, Adler? What's taking so long?" I snarl at them.

"We're not sure how far in she is," Jared answers me.

How fucking hard can this be? Look for the spot where the ground appears to be sunken in. Or follow the smell of freshly disturbed dirt. Did nobody besides myself use their damn brain around here?

I race out of the small room, and down the hall to the main door. Azariah's oxygen was about to run out, if it already hasn't. Leaving her rescue up to those fools was no longer a choice. Thankfully the door to exit this place was a push or pull, and didn't rely on having to twist a knob. Raeh is pretty spectacular, but that's one feat I'm not sure she can pull off with just her teeth.

Once our paws hit the cement steps outside, we push our legs into a full out run. With no thought or plan on how I was going to get there, besides running, really fast, I make my way to the northwest part of the woods. If my calculations were correct, it was going to take me a solid twenty minutes running at this speed. It should have occured to me that if she wasn't out by then, I would be pulling her dead body out of that tunnel. Not my alive, healthy and sarcastic best friend.

"You better still be digging," I yell at them as I pass the outskirts of my pack. Jared assures me they are, while two of the wolf guards follow me off the pack lands.

"Luna Amber, where are you going?" One of them questions me.

"To rescue the damn Beta. Either join me, or go home," Neither one tries to get in my way, but it's clear they don't know which path to take.

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