Chapter 14- False History

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Malcombs pov

I stare at the phone in my hand, debating on whether to make the call or not. The question I wanted to ask this person has been invading my thoughts for months now.

Fuck it, no time like the present to finally do this. I hit dial, and wait to see if he answers. I'm unsure if I'm relieved or not when he answers.

"Alpha Ryker here," His deep baritone voice is almost soothing, making me feel at ease.

"Good afternoon Alpha Ryker, it's Malcomb Drakos." I greet him.

"Malcomb?" He says in surprise. "It's been a long time since I've seen or heard from you, how have you been?"

Hell yeah, it's been a long time. Ten years to be exact. The last time he and I spoke, was when he took my lab privileges away from me, and basically called me crazy. Even though I stayed at our pack for six months after that day, I stayed far away from him.

"I've been well thank you. I was wondering if you had a moment to answer a question for me?" I ask him.

"Of course, what is it you'd like to know?" He politely answers.

Taking a deep breath, I try calming my nerves so I can ask what I needed to. "I was wondering if you could tell me why your grandfather wanted mine to overthrow the packs in the north?"

There! Now hopefully he knows the answer to this, cause it's been bothering me for a long time. My original pack was a good fifteen-hour drive away, and I'm just not understanding why they wanted this land in particular. Sure, they were more secluded than the one I grew up in, but did they plan to uproot close to twenty-five hundred pack members, to move all the way up there?

"Malcomb, not to sound rude, but do you not know the answer to this? Has your father never spoken to you about it?" He asks in a calm, even tone. I could tell he was trying to tread carefully where I was concerned.

"I'm afraid not. My brother used to have a lot to say, about how my great-grandfather was challenged for his position and lost in an unfair fight. Then about how the new Alpha, your grandfather, refused to hand down the title to the rightful heir, my grandfather. And if that wasn't bad enough, he was then murdered by your father for failing to do what he told him to." I allow the annoyance to come through in my voice, "Does this sound familiar?"

"I wish you and I could sit down face to face to discuss this, but I'm guessing that's not possible?" He asks me.

"No Alpha Ryker, it's not." I inform him.

"That's what I thought. So listen Malcomb, there's no easy way for me to say this, but my grandfather nor my father ever asked your grandfather, Rowland, to do that. He came up with the idea all on his own."

"What?" I shout into the receiver, "Your lying."

"Your great grandfather had a mental illness Malcomb, that's why my grandfather challenged him to that fight. He was doing unthinkable things to his pack members..."

"DON'T LIE TO ME," I scream. My breathing becomes labored, and I fight for control of myself. This son of a bitch has some nerve spouting this bullshit to me.

"Listen to me, Malcomb. You called me for the truth, so I'm going to give it to you. Your great-grandfather was torturing his pack members or torturing their loved ones to get what he wanted. He was delusional, and paranoid, and did some other things that I'd rather not mention. My family was the only one who had the balls to stand up to him, and thankfully we did, or who knows how long his reign of terror would have lasted."

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