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An icy storm raged through Gotham City as Christmas coldly announced itself, bitter and freezing. It was the time of year where fall coats and thin gloves wouldn't suffice against snow and ice as the trees stood pale and dry, the sky glimmered grey and dark and white particles remained hope's only spark. Yet, despite the temperatures so low, ice so thick and snow so high, Commissioner Gordon's face was covered in pearls of sweat as his body stood tense and stiff while Gotham's most menacing criminal awaited his moment of release. His grimace showing a grin so sharp it could cut his face in two as his cuffs were opened. As they fell off him, to Gordon it was like Gotham's last chance for hope fell with them, down onto the cold, icy ground. The clown's laughter echoed deafening and with every high pitched note that made Gordon wish he never would've chosen this profession, uncertainty became more present on his face.
"That's it then", he sighed eventually and shook hands with the caped crusader next to him.
"That's it", he agreed plainly.
"So, where's the clown gonna be staying?"
"That wasn't quite settled yet"
"Is Mister Wayne going to let him take some stuff with him?"
"Mister Wayne is a generous man, I'm sure he won't mind"
Jim nodded in agreement.
"He was already damn generous enough by letting that freak stay with him. First Selina Kyle and now him, that guy's got a thing for trouble."
There would have been too many things Bruce would've wanted to say now but instead of running the danger of exposing himself, he just remained silent.
"I'll be on my way then, you do me a favour and keep an eye on that clown"
"I will", Batman bid his farewell and walked Joker back inside.
'You have no idea', he then thought to himself with a smirk and admired the man walking next to him.
"I haven't even cracked a joke and you're already laughing, Bats! My sense of humour must've rubbed off on you, I like that", he giggled mischievously but Bruce only ruffled his hair.
"Yeah, you wished!"

The two of them made their way upstairs where they began packing all of Joker's belongings into various boxes. Regarding the fact most of the stuff he used the past months was Bruce's, it was surprising how much he still owned.
"You know, you can always come back whenever you need to", the vigilante offered with a heavy heart as he loaded the boxes onto a pickup he's gifted to Joker. Out of all vehicles, he picked that one, Bruce didn't understand why.
"I know but.. I need some time to find out who I really am and I'm sorry but I can't do that in the place I've stayed in when I was someone totally different"
"Right", Bruce admitted with an aching heart, though he needed to agree with him.
"But you know what will be the best part of moving out?", the clown then asked excitedly but Bruce didn't look up.
"It'll be the day I'm finally moving back in with my boyfriend", he finished and pressed a loving kiss onto the taller guy's lips which made his heart feel lighter within an instant as he wrapped his arms around the leaving man.
"You take care of yourself, alright?"
He nodded.
"And you call me if you need anything!"
"I will"
"And our date for tomorrow is still settled?"
"Bet your cute little ass on it! It's the only reason for me to clean up, you know chaos will always rule"
Bruce sighed in agreement.
"I only know too well", he then chuckled and waved his other half goodbye, though he didn't move until the rusty old vehicle was down the road and completely out of his sight.
Heavy hearted, he eventually trudged back inside where the warmth of Wayne Manor and a freshly lit fireplace repressed at least a bit of Bruce's sorrow. If someone would've told him a year ago he'd dread the day Joker left his home, he would've punched that person unconscious. But now.. now all he wanted was to be with that silly clown that despite his proven sanity still seemed so much crazier than Bruce himself, like the ying to his yang.. and he loved it.
"Already thinking about him?", Alfred's compassionate voice spoke behind Bruce and snapped him back to reality.
"The house feels so empty without him", the butler then remarked and Bruce had to agree, one single person can bring so much life with them that by the time they're gone, the whole life is too.
Of course this goodbye wasn't forever but it was still enough to make Bruce feel like he's just taken a punch to the guts.
"I miss him, Alfred"
"Though I regret to admit it, as do I"
He sat down next to Bruce and poured him a cup of tea, though his Master suddenly stood up and left the room with quick steps.
Alfred's head lowered in distress, thinking Bruce probably needed a moment by himself, however as said man returned just a moment later with a porcelain cup in his hands, surprise graced the old butler's wrinkled face. Without saying a word, Bruce poured a cup of tea and passed it to Alfred with a warm smile.
"Have a tea with me, Al"
Alfred's eyes widened emotionally and he gladly wrapped his slightly cold hands around the warming cup.
"I'd love to, Sir"
The two of them sipped their teas in comfortable silence before Bruce raised his voice again.
"Hey Al.. if you don't mind me asking uhm.. have you ever been in love?"
The butler waited a moment before he lowered his cup and shifted a little closer to the back of his seat.
"I must say, Sir, I'm a little surprised by the question but to answer, yes I have. Multiple times in fact, however that was all a long time ago. Nowadays I consider myself too old and rusty and frankly, with you I already have all the family I need"
This answer made Bruce smile and his heart beat with warmth, he was glad he meant to his father figure as much as he meant to Bruce, however he couldn't but feel a little guilty about it.
"Was it ever because of me that you stopped? Because taking care of me was too time absorbing?"
Alfred shook his head quickly.
"No Sir, not at all. In fact, I did give love a try or two even after taking over the role of a parental figure additionally to being your butler. I just never found the right person but after the last guy, I decided it was time to let romance rest"
The billionaire almost chocked on his tea, being sure he must've misunderstood.
"Wait you-"
Alfred gave him a knowing smile.
"You said the last guy?"
"I did, yes. There have been many beautiful women and some truly handsome chaps too,
I never rooted for labelling myself as anything though"
This caught Bruce quite off guard, he's never imagined his butler having any love interests, left alone a sexuality. To him he's always been.. Alfred. Just Alfred. No personal data, no love, no nothing and if he hadn't already felt guilty enough before, Bruce certainly did now for not having seen the human aspect of his butler sooner. Oh how self centred he had been these past decades and not once has Alfred even complained.
"I'm sorry I never asked before"
"Oh Sir, I never expected you to"
"And my parents? Were they fine with you dating other people? Other men?"
To that, Alfred let out an amused chuckle.
"Oh Sir, they did not mind any of that the slightest. You know, your father was a very clever and analytic person, he must've passed that on to you as he was the first one to notice. He called me into his office one day and trust me when I tell you Sir, I was terrified. And even more than terrified was I surprised when he even encouraged me to take more days off in order to indulge in a more personal life.
He even offered me the Wayne family advocate in case anyone would want to frame me for any homosexual predilections as you know the times back then were different."
Bruce nodded understandingly, it must've been difficult for Alfred all these years. However, he couldn't but at the same time grin widely on the inside of himself at the story told to him, he was glad to know his parents had always been not only generous but also kind and accepting people, always seeing good in others no matter what. He could only hope a part of that was inside of himself too.
"I hope you know I assure you the same support, Alfred. You're family and as such I will always have your back and if you ever wish to consider a more private life, love life, whatsoever, I will gladly give you the time to"
"Are you sure you could iron your laundry on your own?", Alfred asked in response with a pinched up brow before both of them broke out into laughter.
"Thank you, Sir"
"No. Thank you, Alfred, for being such a dear friend and dedicated butler"
And just like that, hours have passed like nothing and as night dawned, it was time for Batman to reengage with Gotham's most vile figures, starting tonight with former psychiatrist of Arkham Asylum, Doctor Harleen Quinzel aka Harley Quinn.

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