chapter 2

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"and though I can't recall your face, I've still got love for you."

It only took a few steps before we were standing In front of the Bridgerton household. My sister and I both bowed as it was common courtesy, but my mother went all for it.

"Oh, Violet!"
She exclaimed as she walked up to the widower Mrs Bridgerton.
They grabbed eachothers hands and kissed cheeks.

"Might I introduce you all to the newest members of our family?" Violet asked, ever the sweetest.

My gaze fell onto my sister as she'd already made her way towards who I would assume to be Anthony and his new wife, Kathani. I smiled as it was clear they'd already been back to where they were.

Before I could turn back to our gracious host, a hand grabbed mine, and before I could determine who it was, this man kissed my hand, when his eyes met mine, I knew in my heart who it was.

"Hi you."
He whispered.

"And hello to you." I replied.

Before I could say or do anything else, a loud noise of throat-clearing caught everyone's attention.

" I was saying,"

Violet continued.

"Let me start by introducing the woman who has taken over my place as Viscountess, the ever gorgeous, daughter in law of mine, Kate."

We all bowed.

"Oh, mama!"
Kate exclaimed.

"You are much too kind!" She then greeted us all as we did her.

We then met Eloise, Francesca, Gregory and Hyacinth. We were told that Daphne and her new husband, Simon, had been to busy to come home for Francesca's very first season and Eloise's second.

I was drawn to Eloise quite quickly and she to me. Benedict was quickly pushed out of the way by his younger sister.
I chuckled at the sight, making Benedict give me one of his iconic dirty looks.

"Do not mind him."
El said.

"You must be the younger miss, miss Elizabeth, am I correct?"

Benedict stepped in.

"Yes, yes she is, and her and I were about to promenade."
He took my arm, surprising both Eloise and myself.

"Oh?" I exclaimed.

"Where we now?"
I was teasing him now, realising that he just wanted to annoy his younger sister and get her out of his hair.

He bit off, his glare now turned to me, which, in truth, made me chuckle a little, which only made him glare more. An effect that would repeat itself.

He took my arm, slightly by force until we were far enough for his sister not to hear us.

He then chuckled himself, at his own foolishness.

"I will not lie, I have quite missed you. I do not know how either."
I said after a long, deafening, painful spell of silence.

"And I you, miss Grey."

"Miss Grey..?"
I asked, quite foolish, of course. We had last seen each other as young teens, and now, we were adults. It was no longer proper for him to use my given name.

He smiled.

He corrected himself.

Ah, there it is. Just a simple word, hell, just my very own name, was enough to bring so much joy to me.

"So, benny, go on. Tell me, what has changed since I was last in London?"

A long, and I mean long sigh escaped his mouth.

"A lot. I have gained two more siblings, Gregory and Hyacinth,"
His head turned to the two pre-teens.

"Daph, I'm sure you remember her as no more than a mere 11 year old, has been wed off to a duke."

He continued, making my face fill with surprise and happiness for the young duchess. It had always been Daphne's dream to marry for love, and now, she had. And it gained her such a high ranked title as well!

"There is this scandal sheet."
Suddenly his smile aimed at his sister turned into a frown.

"A woman by the name of 'Lady Whistledown' has been printing such horrible things about, well, everyone. Including our family."

I nodded sympathetically.

He then chuckled to himself.
"I am sure I'm boring you."

"Oh, no! Not at all!"

We both smiled as he continued.

"Anthony has been wed as well. You have met Kate, yes?"

"Of course! She seems quite lovely. I am sure your mother is quite happy to leave her title and duties as Viscountess to a woman of such capability and loveliesness."

My smile quickly faded.

"I was horrified to learn of your father's passing.. I'm so terribly sorry for your loss, Benedict. He was such an amazing man. I adored him dearly."

Benny managed a weak smile.

"It was years ago, Lizzy, you do not have to apologise, besides, what do you have to apologise for?"

He chuckled, trying to lighten the situation.

Our conversation lasted long, almost the entire visit was us just catching up, unable to stop talking and laughing, as if nothing had changed.

God, how I'd missed him.

Authors note: I changed
the Bridgerton ages a bit
to fit the story line
a little better!!

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