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Lizzy's pov:

Benny and I swung together on his family's swing set, as per usual, only this time, instead of the happy talks, or calming advisory talks, we both had that gut wrenching feeling, knowing that this was our very last swinging session.

We tried to keep positive, talk of fun things, only to realize we would miss so many of each other's first times and getting to talk about those together.

“Benny, I know this may sound quite odd, but, maybe, just maybe, will you kiss me? So we'd at least be able to talk about our first kisses.”

He laughed before his cheeks turned red and his eyes widened in shock, his smile turning into a gape and him staring at me.

“You cannot be- you are serious..?”
He finally said.

“Yes, yes I am. For I certainly would like to at least get that talk over with. Come onnnn”

I grabbed his arm, begging like a toddler.

“It would be fun! Besides, it's not gonna change anything about our friendship… especially not with.. our current situation..”

I did not mean to turn our conversation into something this grim, but I did. I stupidly did.

I noticed his face falling sadly at that last sentence, feeling mine do the same.

“Do not say that..”

He half-whispered.

He looked away before grabbing the chain of my swing and with that pulling me towards him, grabbing my face and kissing me.

My face must have been filled with surprise as I was unable to close my eyes.

After about 5 seconds he pulled away again, chuckling.

“That- that was disgusting!”
He laughed.

I quickly followed his command, laughing as I wiped my mouth with my sleeve.

Little did I know this ‘disgusting’ kiss would haunt me forever.

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