prologue PT.3 (the last one, I promise!!)

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For the entire week, including the nights spent at inns, on our way to Paris, I tried my hardest to keep a brave face, wanting anything but to upset my sister even more, who already seemed to try and hide how completely broken she felt, not that it went unnoticed.

The day of arrival, we were met with a gorgeous mansion, one with huge gardens, it was more beautiful than imagined. Under different circumstances, I would've been thrilled, absent mindedly shaking with excitement to roam the grounds and castle like mansion, but, sadly, this wasn't just a vacation. This was my new life for the next five years. And that was only half the time I would be apart from Benny.

The fear of him forgetting me was strong, but there was no way in hell that I could ever forget him, that was for sure.

My mama and papa told me that the pain would lessen, but it never did.

Every day I would wonder what he was doing, wonder what we WOULD'VE been doing had we still been neighbours.

We would have drawn together, plucked flowers, swung, played so many different games..

It was truly painful to even think of it. And so I tried not to. I clearly failed.

At night, I would cry in my pillow, remembering all the times he'd comforted me over such small, and, looking back, unimportant things.

I fell into a depression, locking myself in my room.

Fiona, however, seemed to drown her sorrows differently.

She would party. Drink until she'd passed out.

Something I know she never would have wanted, or even dreamed of for herself, not even in her worst nightmares.

She would hook up with men, all to try and forget her beloved best friend. She never did.

Neither of us did.

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