I hated that and I loathed him, but I was so hungry.

"OK," We drove in silence until I asked him about Kenny.

"Why did you do that?"

He shrugged, "Because I can."

If my stomach wasn't hurting so much, I would have punched him right in the face. He got off on this.

"You know that he'll never ask me out again, right?"

"Probably not," Blaze gazed out the window, "But who cares, right?"

"I do!" We were stopped at a red light, "Why are you interrupting my life?"

"I told you that I wanted you," he said, "I'll leave you alone after I get what I want."

I was so shocked that when the light turned green, I was still sitting there glaring at him.

"Are you going to go?" He asked me.

I gunned it to Luigi's, but I think it turned him on more that I was angry.

In the parking lot, I continued my bitching, "You can't just do this to me because I won't sleep with you."

"It's fun, though," he said, getting out of the van. Much to my surprise, he rushed around the car to open the door for me.

I was so confused by this man.

"You can get whatever you want, Spooks," he said as we settled down in a booth in the back of the restaurant. It was semi-fancy, sort of casual. The two of us weren't dressed up at all, but of course, I'd worn one of my long skirts that day. Blaze sat down next to me, instead of across from me.

"We're not on a date, Blaze," I said, reading the menu.

"Why not?"

"Because I'm not dating you. You're toxic."

"I'm buying you lunch and you're calling me toxic?"

"I can buy my own lunch then."

He held up a hand, "No, I offered. Have you ever been here?"

I shook my head, "No, it's too expensive."

"Not for me so get what you want," he prodded, scooting closer to me.

I could have melted right in that booth. His leg touched mine as he perused the menu, clearly knowing what he wanted before I did.

"Mozzarella sticks?" He asked me.

"Do you remember when your Mom made those mozzarella sticks and all of the cheese melted out of them when they were cooking?" I asked, not realizing that I was going back in time when he did live on my side of the tracks.

"They were just sticks after that," he chuckled. I could feel him staring at me and I hated that I was starting to blush.

"Sure, mozzarella sticks sound fine,"I tossed the menu back on the table as the server brought our drinks. We ordered and sat there in silence for what seemed to be forever.

"Sapphire," Blaze leaned into my ear, "I bet I can make you cum right here in this booth."

I nearly choked on my soda. Blaze had to pat my back a few times.

"What the fuck are you pulling here?" I whispered, having to lean into him. I could smell his musk and damn I wanted to make babies with him right on that table, "No strings my ass!"

"What I told you I was going to do," he placed a hand on my thigh, "Tell me to stop."

"We're in a restaurant, Blaze," I told him, grabbing hold of his hand. Of course, instead of me putting an end to the madness, I barely gripped his hand because I didn't want to stop him. He glided his hand underneath my skirt. What the hell was I doing?

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