Chapter 5: Enter the danger

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"Oh, so he does know," Pompey said rather unimpressed and finished brushing himself off. Ivan told them that some Pokémon from the guild did find out about what a cross-void is, or rather he just told them that they read his mind, luckily Al didn't snitch on him as he did blab about being a Cross-void and that Espeon could read minds. "What else do you know kid?"

"I know you guys are jerks and evil!" Nero said as he pointed to the group.

"What? No, we're not jerks or evil, what makes you say that?" Pompey said before both Nero, Bianco, and Rusty pointed around at the destruction around them. "Oh, yeah, we did do this, um, would you believe me if I said someone else did this?"

"You just admitted to doing this!" Bianco yelled out at the Pokémon. "Who are you guys?"

"Oh, we're just a few Pokémon doing what we want, causing chaos, starting fights, ripping tags off of bedsheets, that sort of thing." Pompey said as reached out a muscular blue-gray arm with thin red lines like hairs. He grabbed his cloak and threw it off of him, revealing his muscular body with what looked like briefs under a championship belt, his head had three brown ridges atop his head which had a reptilian shape to it. He was a Machoke, the Superpower Pokémon. "But we are also a threat to you now. So, I see like this, five of you, five of us, one-vs-one fights anyone, like the good old days."

"Dibs on the Riolu, I want payback for my eyelash!" Ivan said as he readied himself for a fight.

Two of the three remaining stepped forward and removed their cloaks, One of them had a white lower body with rounded hips like baggy pants or something, its upper body was pine green with a red spike in its chest and back, and its arms looked like blades, a light green mohawk adorn its head like a gladiator helmet, their face had spikes on the side which added more intimidation to its cold glare. This was Gallade, the Blade Pokémon.

The other one had metallic shins and feet above the knees had thighs larger and red, with its shoulders resembling shoulder pads, its body and arms were jet black with its hands looked like armored metal with blades sticking out of them, same with a set of blades like crescent moons out of their torso. They had a golden face with black lines on their chin with what looked like a red helmet that also had a blade mohawk. This was Bisharp, the Sword Blade Pokémon.

The Bisharp noticed their last member not stepping forward. "Doctor? You're not fighting?"

The last member shocked their head. "I'd rather look into that ruin the plateau near town. Besides, by the looks of it, they look to be mostly children, I don't fight children, Mister Delos. I hope you and Corinth do well on your fight, I say that because I don't want to patch you both up again." They then turned and started to float off the ground and away from the group.

"Well, if that's wants." The Bisharp named Delos said as he turned to the group and to the Gallade named Corinth. "Any preferences since Ivan wants the Riolu? It's clear who Pompey will go for."

"I'll take the Scrafty, I'll give you the easy job like always." Said the Gallade named Corinth.

"Easy job? I don't take the easy route, you take the Zangoose and Eevee then, the Scrafty is mine now!" Delos said in a voice that sounded impatient.

"I can take on the Scrafty, but he could beat you since you are a Dark and Steel type." Corinth said with such boldness to his comrade, that it was clear he didn't mind harming his emotions.

"Why you little--" Delos then turns his attention to Corinth with his blades ready for cutting, Corinth noticed this and turned to them with their arm blades growing sharper than before.

Before the two could fight, Pompey stood between them grabbed the side of their heads, and slammed them into each other, he then forced them to turn back to their enemy. "Now, now, no fight among ourselves, our enemy is right there, fight each other later. Corinth, the Scrafty is yours since you called it first, Delos, you're lucky, you can take on both the Zangoose or the Eevee if you want."

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