Chapter Four: Chocolates And Toothaches Part Four

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Bill's face twisted as Maddy tried to break free. His lips pursed and his brows narrowed, confusion etched on his face. "Wow, you're surprisingly strong... You should have gone to tryouts..."

"Who is the stubborn one here?!" Maddy questioned through gritted teeth. A bead of sweat slid down his temple. His focus was solely on breaking free. With a growl that surprised both of them, he said, "For fuck's sake, Bill, you're not my mother, I will go to the nurse later!"

His eyes seized Bill's attention. "Let. Go."

It was as if lightning had cracked through the air and everyone around them seemed to hear it. Bill in all his grandeur and gruffness, immediately dropped his hand. His jaw slowly unhinging as a gasp crept its way into his mouth.

Maddy watched him register the scene before he could understand for himself what had occurred between the two of them. It was a switch in power dynamic, but that was all Maddy could understand. His brain wouldn't let him explore the thought further. It made him nauseous to think about it.

Luckily, Bill had enough common sense to not let the feeling fester between them. He adjusted his composure, his award-winning smile, back on his face, but not quite reaching his eyes. He let go of his breath and said, "You promise you'll go?"

"Yes," Maddy lied without remorse and focused his gaze passed Bill's shoulder. He placed his injured hand behind his back and added, "I promise."

"Okay, then," Bill said while digging through his bag once again. This time, he pulled out two orange tablets and placed them in Maddy's good hand, "Text me when you get home, I'll give you today's notes after I train with my dad and brothers."

"Sure," Maddy said dropping his shoulders. Regardless of their kerfuffle, Bill was still a really nice guy. He said goodbye and turned around toward his next class, briefly looking over his shoulder to see if Bill was still standing in the same spot.

He was.

Bill's chocolate eyes had remained fixed on Maddy. It was the same look the cop gave him when he accidentally called him a witch.

As if on cue, the voice in his head had clarified Maddy's subconscious question.


Maddy hummed. Made sense. Ignoring both the voice and Bill's expression, he placed the tablets in his pocket with the other pills and continued on his way to his next class.

Maddy was in the middle of contemplating if Bill was a drug dealer or just a walking pharmacy when he heard the shrill cry of his name. Immediately every part of his body seized and scrunched into itself as if he were a grape rapidly turning into a raisin.

Oh, good, Dee.

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