Chapter Four: Chocolates And Toothaches Part Three

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"Hey, class is over," Despite his lumbering appearance, Bill's touch and tone were as soft as freshly baked sponge cake. His chocolate eyes filled with concern.

"Oh," Maddy's lips pressed in a firm line. He hadn't meant to fall asleep, but it seemed almost inevitable, given last night's events. He only wished he realized it sooner so he wouldn't have raced to get to class. He did also hope, that he wouldn't have a minor panic attack every time someone touched him. "Thanks for waking me up."

"Any time," Bill smiled, and it was sweet enough to give Maddy a toothache. "You remind me of my brother, Aiden, he's always falling asleep, no matter the time or place."

"Ah, I see," Maddy pressed his lips in a firm line, unsure of what else to say. He stood and only swayed a little as he walked down the lecture hall stairs. So far so good. If this was the worst he was going to feel all day, then maybe he could make it through the rest of his classes.

"Wah!" Maddy called out, as he skipped a step and started falling back.

Bill was close enough to grab and steady him. Without letting go, he took a step in front of Maddy. His voice was laced with skepticism "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Maddy brushed him off and headed toward the exit. He added when Bill followed closely behind, "Just feeling under the weather, is all. Nothing to worry about."

Bill stepped in front of him again. "Do you think it's a fever?"

Without much warning, Bill placed a cool, calloused palm against Maddy's forehead. The sudden contact made him shiver. "Dude! You're burning up, we've got to take you to the infirmary!"

Maddy stiffened immediately. He didn't like other people touching him so casually. Only Dee and maybe Doug could. But Bill, with the kind eyes and the nice smile, didn't know the reason why it shook his core. He took a simple step back up a step and away from Bill's touch. "Bill, I'm fine, really. Besides, even if it was a fever, I can tell it's going to break soon, so you don't have to worry over me."

"Maddy Hastings, stubborn," Bill grinned and grabbed Maddy's hand. "You're more like Aiden than I thought."

Maddy snapped his jaw shut, he wanted to scream. Bill had reached for his bad hand.

Blissfully unaware of his actions similar to a dog who just discovered the black bin in the kitchen was filled with unfinished human food, Bill managed to tug Maddy out of the lecture hall, and through a maze of fluorescent-lit corridors in the small university.

Yet, with every passing second that Bill held onto Maddy, the pain fizzled and burned in his hand, as if he was actively dunking his hand in hot oil. Gritting his teeth, he mustered a strength that had been dormant within him and locked his knees in place.

Bill's whole arm jerked, and his eyes popped out in surprise. He whipped around dumbfounded to see Maddy simply standing behind him, a sour mood painted on his face. He sighed, a smile threatening to come out despite the circumstances, "Come on, Maddy, quit acting like a kid! My mother would have a fit if I acted like you right now."

Maddy scrunched up his nose. "I'm not acting like a kid, I told you I was fine... So... Let... Go!"


I was trying to find the best place to cut this off because if I put the rest of the chapter in, it would have been too long, but now both chapters this week are going to be short... If it becomes easier to do a longer post once a week than two short ones twice a week I will switch.

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