Gelly awoke the next morning, still in Gaius bed, the older boy being slumped next to her, and she scooted out carefully, hearing a small ringing in the other room.

It was the phone.

Gelly picked it up carefully, bringing it to her ear, "Hello?"

"Gelly?" Coriolanus voice sounded from the other side.

"Coriolanus? Why are you calling so early?" She frowned.

"Gaius filled you in on the games?"

"Yes?" Gelly frowned, what was he getting at.

"Great." He sighed, "you want to meet your tribute?"

"Yeah, but how? We dont know when they get here."

"But we know where." Coriolanus pointed out, "meet me at the train station in ten, dont get cuaght." And with that the line went silent, leaving Gelly to frown to herself confused, and she went into her bedroom, pulling out her bright red school uniform, and pulling it over her body. Her shiny blond hair was pulled up into pigtails, and she smoothed out her clothes before she left the house, without another sound. She knew Gaius would become worried if she wasnt there when she woke up, but eventually he would assume she had left early for school, just like she did every morning. 

It wasnt long before she arrived at the train station, in the brisk cold air of the morning. She spotted Coriolanus by a few of the pillsars, and called out to him. "Coryo!"

Coriolanus snapped towards her with a smile, "I was starting to think you wouldnt show."

"You asked me too, didnt you?" Coryo nodded, and Gelly let out a brief forced smile, to reassure him, but it always a lie, nobody had seen her sincerly smile in years, not after the incident, but nobody spoke of it again, in fear of upsetting the girl. Nobody had every brought up the name Leto again.

The train neared them, halting to a quick stop, but they're was no movement, and Gelly was begining to think they had gotten the wrong train, untill twenty minutes later, a scream occured, in one of the farther carts, and the peacekeepers began shoving young children out.

"Thats my cue." Coriolanus sent her a reassuring smile, before he left her alone for his tribute. Gelly glanced over the tributes, before her eyes landed on her own. He was tall, probally stood a good half foot over Gelly, and he had dark curls cascading over his forhead, just spilling out of his grey hat. His face was forced into a glare as he stepped out of the cart, turning back to help a redhead girl down.

"Treech?" She called out softly, and the boy snapped around at the sound of his name, his eyes scanned over her, but the angry look never faded.

"Who are you?" He snapped, pushing the redhead behind him, protectivly.

Gelly flinched back at the harsh tone, but she composed herself quickly, and stuck out her hand for him to shake, "Im Gelly, your mentor for the games."

"Mentor?" He raised an eyebrow, making no move to embrace her hand, he glanced at it with disgust, leaving Gelly to drop it quickly in embarrasment.

"I help you in the games." She told him, "try my best to get you out alive."

Treech scoffed, "thanks but no, I dont need help from some stuck up capital girl." Treech almost felt bad for the words, as he took the time to fully look her over, she looked hurt by his words, and she swallowed timidly.

"Oh, ok." She nodded, more to herself. She wore a red school uniform, but it was too striking against her delicate features, almost like she didnt fit into the role she was supposed to be protraying. Her blonde hair was pulled into pinktail, with small red bows, tied around them, and her soft face was stained with tears, her cheeks flushed a light pink, and her blue eyes were glazed over, as they stared into his, like at any moment she'd be crying again. Treech couldnt help but wonder what made such a preety girl cry, to the point where it made her look so helpless and innocent. He felt the urge to protect her, but hesistantly he ignored it, she was capital. Suddenly she perked up and reached into her red coat pocket, "I brought you a cookie?" She said carefully, so softly, that Treech had to strain to hear it, he frowned at the timidness.

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