Chapter 10

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Reign and I talk for a while until I decide that I need to head home. I walk to my car and when I sit down, I sigh a sigh of relief. I begin my drive home, when suddenly Daphne calls. I talk to my sister for the whole ride home, and I scream in joy when she tells me she is coming to town. Then I frown when she admits that she is so excited to come into town and meet the man I am seeing. Oh. Wilder.

When I hang up with my sister I go into my apartment, and call Wilder. I find myself faking being happy to see him again, and instead of wanting to be around him, I only want to be around Reign. However, Wilder is my boyfriend and I cannot avoid the conflict forever.

Wilder comes over to my apartment, and we sit down and talk. We talk through our conflict and we both apologize. I must admit that I felt so much better as soon as we finished apologizing. Wilder made me my favorite cookies; mint-chocolate chip and we laughed and watched a movie for the rest of the night.

We decide on watching Harry Potter, and Wilder is a nerd. I can verify. He recites every word of the movie and changes his voice to match each character. Moments similar to this make me fall in love with Wilder more and more. He lets me lay my head on his lap and he pets my head as I fall asleep. I slightly wake up when I feel Wilder carrying me to my bed, he tucks me in and goes to leave.

"Wait. Sleep here. Please?" I say as I pat the spot next to me in the bed. Wilder smiles so bright that if he had a lightbulb in his mouth he would blind me. The doctor slowly takes off his shoes, and climbs into my bed next to me. As I begin to fall asleep I cannot stop to feel guilty because Wilder asked me not to see Reign again and yet I am. I refocus on Wilder next to me and try to drift off. Nothing wild happens, we just cuddle and sleep.

When I wake up in the morning, Wilder is not in my bed anymore. He even made his side neatly, and there is a note on my pillow.

'Dear Wren,

I am so sorry I had to leave as I would have loved to stay and wake up with you. I left you some breakfast in your kitchen. I am so happy that we made up, and I cannot wait to see you tomorrow to meet your sister. Thank you for letting me stay with you, I really loved getting to see you. Text me when you get the chance.



I set the note down on my nightstand, and I walk towards my kitchen. When I enter the small room, the counter is littered with various cereals. I grin from ear to ear, and get my phone out to take a photo. I then take a selfie with me and the cereals in the background and send it to Wilder. He responds quickly with some emojis, and I thank him over text for the joyous surprise. I quickly eat my cereal and start to get ready to go to Reign's office. Today, as Reign and I discussed prior, is my first day of work.

Upon arriving at the office, I am greeted by the receptionist and handed an ID with my picture on it to be able to access the restricted rooms. Reign comes out of his office and walks towards me, he greets me and hands me a coffee.

"Morning Wren." Reign says with a smile. I smile back at him, and turn my phone on silent. I follow Reign towards his office and notice that in the large space his office inhabits there is now a smaller grand desk next to his. On the top of the beautiful desk there is a plaque with my name, 'Wren Quincy'. I sit down at the beautiful desk and I allow my fingers to run across the beautiful surface, the cold wood displays my curious reflection. Am I living an illusion? Reign interrupts my thoughts, when he steps behind me, and his reflection joins mine. He places his hands on my shoulders and smiles. I turn around and look at him, the reflection in the wood does not do him justice. My life feels like a dream, reunited with the one person on earth who understands me. Reign and I get no work done the first half of the morning, instead he just sits on the edge of my desk and chats with me about everything. We talk about how much I love ice cream, and how I have one plant that I have not killed. Reign looks at me and gives me a round of applause for not killing my plant. I stand up and bow like a famous actor, and look out into the crowd which just consists of Reign.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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