Chapter 4

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Two days later...

I have been trying to avoid running into Wilder at all costs, therefore I take the long way to class. Perhaps he is busy with his work anyways, and cannot even try to meet up with me. Wrong.

"Wren." Wilder says as he approaches me. I stand up straight, and look at him like a deer caught in headlights. Wilder is extremely tall, and I crane my neck a bit to get a good look at him. Still as breathtaking as ever. Wilder is not sore to the eye, that is for sure but the texting incident has me creeped out. I look down and pick at my pink nails, and begin fidgeting because I am rather nervous.

"I have been looking for you everyday. I am so sorry for what I did to you. I just can't handle you ignoring me. I think about you all the time, every single day since we have met. You have been running through my mind, I cannot even focus at work." Wilder explains quickly. His eyes look into mine and I see sincerity and a deep sadness. Did I really mean that much to him? We have just met. He switches his weight from his left foot to his right foot. I lick my lips and think about giving him a second chance. Wilder took a deep breath.

"These are for you, Wren. If you change your mind, you know how to reach me. Please consider giving me another shot, I will do whatever you ask." Wilder hands me a beautiful bouquet of flowers that includes roses and daisies, and puts both of his hands into his deep pockets. He turns on his heel and solemnly walks away from me. My eyes fall to the flowers in my hands, they are beautiful. The problem with me is that the red flags sometimes blindside me by green. Attached to the bouquet there is a small envelope, and my hand shakily grabs it. I open it up and read it.

'I am so sorry Wren. I have never felt this way about anyone in my life. I honestly do not know how to act. I have never been in a serious relationship but I want to be that with you more than anything else. I promise to give you your space, but please give me a chance. I will not let you down, I swear.



I take out my phone and text Wilder, because at this point no one has ever gone that far to do something so kind for me, besides Reign.

Me: Wait.

Wilder: Yes?

Me: Yes.

Just then Wilder comes running from around the corner and hugs me tightly. What am I doing? This is out of character for me, and yet the questions I had previously still bang down on my brain.

"One, we need to take things slowly. Two, how old are you? Three, how come you hang around here if you are a doctor at the hospital? Four, what do you want with me, and why me?" I quickly say, Wilder puts me down and takes both of my hands. He smiles and takes out his BIC ballpoint black pen from his front shirt pocket. He takes my left hand and places it palm towards the sky in his hand. Wilder brings the pen down onto the palm of my hand and messily writes '7pm at Evelyn's'. I look at Wilder with a 'are you crazy' look and he just winks.

"See you then, and I will answer all of your questions." Wilder bows as if we are at a ball and waltzes away.

I stare at my palm and take a photo of it on my phone, just in case it gets rubbed off or something. A wild warm feeling sparks in my chest and I feel like skipping around a field of flowers. I am already twenty-five minutes late for my ethics class. Oh well, I will skip it. I walk back to my apartment and start to get ready for my date. Before I start prepping my hair or anything, I take out a small journal and at the top I write 'Incidents: Wilder' I have the urge to write down what has happened as in the texting incident, and for some reason the scared feeling dissipates as I stare at the mostly blank page, though the scribbled details of the incident stare back at me. One incident, that's all. I think to myself. I tuck the journal into the drawer of my nightstand and continue on with getting ready. I throw on some nice clothes and grab my purse and keys from my living room and head out to 'Evelyn's'. I could not help but smile as I looked down upon my hand, it was smart that I had taken a photo of it because it just looked like a blob of ink on my hand.

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