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Summary: You, being plagued by a sleep thief called insomnia, managed to free Dream a few months back. Now he wants to pay you back by finding a cure for your insomnia - and maybe because he has developed feelings for you.

Once, in the realm of dreams, where reality bends and imagination takes shape, Dream of the Endless found himself trying to help a mortal, who suffered from a condition that prevented her to visit his kingdom.

Insomnia. That relentless thief of sleep that plagued your every night. Despite always being tired, having eyebags and looking old beyond your years, you were always kind to Dream. Somehow you had sensed he was a vital part in the world, and in little, tiny gestures over two years, you helped him with every way you could. "Accidentally" swiping your feet over the summoning ring. Guards hadn't slept well, so they fell to sleep after drinking your special tea. Little things - and eventually, your constant, diligent effort was worth it and Dream got himself out. You didn't know what had been the thing that made the trick, but his glass prison was shattered and the guards didn't remember much - it was concluded the summoning ring had weakened over time and Dream could finally push through it.

You got fired from the mansion with the rest of the workers after Mr. Burgess was cursed with eternal nightmares and your services weren't needed anymore - and within the first week of you tossing and turning in the bedroom of your new apartment, you got a visitor - startled by a man with glowing eyes standing in the corner of the room, almost letting out a scream before you recognised him and turned on your bedside lamp with a smile.

"Dream? Is it... really you? I thought you were gone, that I would never see you again," you mumbled, beaming as you sat up properly. "I... I knew you got out, but I thought you'd be busy to get the world rolling again."

Dream smiled softly, taking a step towards you. Then he spoke, with a deep voice - to be honest, you hadn't expected him to sound like that. "Yes, it is I. I have returned to express my gratitude for the compassion and help you offered me when I needed it the most. The world is on its track again, and you are to thank for that."

You smiled back bashfully, looking at your hands fiddling with your blanket. "It was a human thing to do. I knew your captivity was a reason why the world was messed up. I'm happy you popped by, it's good to see you're alright."

Dream was quiet for a moment, studying you. Then he spoke again. "I wish to grant you the gift of sleep. You have suffered from the lack of it for so long, and a mortal like you does not deserve such a fate. It is not caused by my absence, but I want to help you with it."

You frowned, looking up to him. "I've always had it. Sleeping pills help somewhat, but even they might not let me sleep throughout the whole night. Are you sure that- I mean, I know you can do it, you're the king of dreams, after all. But are you sure your help will last? I read it may originate from the way brains are built, and I don't know if you're able to change it. You can't have time to guard my sleep every night, can you?"

Dream was quiet for a moment. "I will do everything I can in my power to ensure you will be able to sleep your nights without struggle. For tonight, my sand will have to do."

And with that, he took out his pouch and you, knowing what he was about to do, settled under your covers. You looked at Dream as he placed the sand on the palm of his hand and the last thing you saw was him blowing the powder-like sand on your face, and you fell asleep on that very moment.

"Are you sure about this, Dream?" Matthew asked as he flew by his master, settling onto one of the many chairs in the library. "Humans and Endless rarely mix well. You know it could be dangerous. The potential consquences could be destructive."

Dream didn't even look up to his companion as he read one of the many books he owned. "She showed me kindness during my captivity. It is time for me to repay that debt."

Matthew was quiet and used the time to ponder his next words to groom himself. Then he tilted his head, studying his friend. "Are you planning to act on your feelings?"

Dream paused for a moment, tapping his fingers on the cover of the book. Then he finally looked up to his friend. "I understand your concerns, Matthew. But should we deny ourselves happiness only because the risk of heartbreak it may involve?"

Matthew sighed. "I suppose not."

Lucienne emerged from behind the corner. "Your devotion for her is undeniable. And your wish to help her through her condition is noble - but remember the consequences what could happen if she starts to dwell in dreams and forget to live. You may get blindsided about what will lie ahead if you let your feelings overwhelm your senses."

"I am aware, Lucienne," Dream said, lowering his eyes back down and tracing his finger across the page of the book. "I do not know if she feels the same way. It may be she does not return my feelings for her."

Matthew and Lucienne exchanged a glance, before the librarian handed a book to Dream. "I believe this book will help with her condition. Just... be careful, my lord."

Dream's eyes flickered up again, and he nodded slightly. "Thank you, Lucienne."

And so, Matthew and Lucienne left Dream alone - he would find a cure for you, let you visit his Kingdom. And even if it would never be anything more than friendship, Dream would enjoy having you around in his Kingdom every night, walking with you through the field and listen to you telling about your day.

It had been a while since he had had a mortal human friend - Hob being immortal - but he had a feeling that you could be one of his greatest friends who have ever lived.

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