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Summary: Your and Morpheus's son can sleep only in Morpheus's arms.


Ever since your son had been born, he hadn't been a very good sleeper. He woke up multiple times screaming every night, and as your love and the boy's father Morpheus was working, you were the one trying to lull your son back to sleep.

You thought he'd be an easy sleeper, being the son of the King of Dreams, in a way of King of Sleeping too. It was kind of stupid, you knew it but even still, you thought you would be able to actually sleep at night.

You had read about baby colic when Lucienne proposed it being the reason and wondered if that was it, but he wasn't really crying at daytime, only at night. Your body begged for sleep as you sat beside his crib, trying to lull him back to sleep but you felt like your son felt your tiredness which made him cry even harder.

This night was even worse than usually. You had carried him around the bed chambers, tried to read to him and sing to him, but all this did was make him cry louder and more intensely. And when you got so close to sleeping, Morpheus came into the room. You sighed heavily as you saw him and he frowned.

"What happened?" He asked with concern in his eyes. "I heard him crying from here."

"I don't know," you said frustratedly, shaking your head. "He's crying every night, I can't sleep because of it."

"Why have you not told me?" he scolded gently, leaning down towards your son.

"I just didn't want you to worry," you murmured softly. "And you have so much work and stuff to think and take care of-"

"You would never bother me with things that concern our son. He is mine just as much as he is yours." He muttered as he took another step forward.

"I'm sorry... I should know that." You whispered as he leaned over your son.

"Let me hold him." His hands took your son from you and before you could protest, he laid in his arms. Immediately, there were no tears or screams as Morpheus cradled his son in his arms and you stared at the sight for a moment before you smiled, almost not believing it.

"He stopped crying." You whispered in awe. "How did you do it?"

Morpheus chuckled warmly. "I am his father after all, and the King of Dreams."

You chuckled as you stroked your son's soft, black locks as his eyes began to finally close. Your fingers drifted along his cheeks and soon, he fell asleep with ease. You let out a relieved sigh before your exhaustion kicked in.

"Go to sleep, my love." Morpheus told you with a kiss on your cheek and a tender smile. "You need rest more than anything right now."

You nodded tiredly and gave him a small nod before you retreated to the bed, falling asleep almost immediately after your head touched your soft pillow.

And Morpheus sat down on the armchair with your son still in his arms, glancing at you every once in a while with a soft smile on his face, then back at his son sleeping soundly and he wouldn't lie, he felt proud seeing his son could be able to sleep in his arms and it made him happier than in ages.

Something so small and fragile sleeping and seeing a dream Morpheus didn't want to poke right now, wanting to relish this moment within his busy days for once - and he made a mental note to help him sleep for the following nights too.

You needed to sleep so you could be your sunny self at daytime, and he wouldn't mind sitting there with your son more either.

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