Got an answer after three rings.

"Yin?" a confused voice of Alex answered.

My blood instantly boils with anger. The only thing that kept me front yelling is my ultimate goal.

"Hi, is War there?" I smile, trying my best so my voice sound pleasant.

"Oh, he's in a call in the home office. You can leave a message and I can tell him." She said.

"I'll just call him later, it's not that urgent anyway. You can tell him I called and he can call me back. I just want to talk to him." I said, "alright that's it. see you later." I said and pressed end before she can even respond.

Since it is a Saturday night, Belle and I watched all the Shrek movies. 1 before lunch, 2 after lunch, 3 before dinner and we're now starting Shrek 4. She liked the first two movies, the third not so much, not sure how she'll like the last installment.

A bowl of buttered popcorn between us and we shared a tumbler of strawberry iced tea.

We watched and enjoyed the last one, it's the triplet's birthday and Shrek's frustrated. We laugh on some scenes, gasps on the right moments, just how we used to watch her other favorite Disney and Pixar movies.

"Papa's like Princess Fiona. She's forgotten about Shrek." she murmurs to herself.

"Similar but not really. Here, Shrek does not even exist. It's not that she forgot but she does not know him. Shrek didn't exist for her." I said, responding to a spoken question.

"But it has the same results."

"Maybe Shrek will fix everything." I said and she just stared on the TV. We watched in silence while me on the other hand take glances to her, seeing how she feels as the movie progress. How Shrek tried and tried to make Fiona fall in love with him on this timeline.

As we reach the end, as Shrek slowly glows and then starts to wither away in glitters I glanced at Belle and I see a single tear slowing falling on her cheek. Nevertheless, her eyebrows bunched up in concentration.

As if she's silently rooting for them.

"Go on." I hear her whisper as she looks to Fiona leaning down for a kiss.

"Love him. You did before. You can do it again." She adds.

I am not entirely sure if she's rooting for the movie or if she is pulling something in real life. I watch her as Shrek completely disappears.

The it was revealed that the true love's kiss worked.

Rumpelstiltskin falling into the abyss. Then Shrek is back on his children's party. I smile knowing Belle will appreciate the happy ending.

But no.

As I look at me, she looked satisfied but... gloomier.

"See? It's a happy ending." I said with a smile.

"Shrek didn't fix everything. Princess Fiona opened her heart to him. The happy ending is because of Princess Fiona." Hearing that come out of a 4-year-old is impressive.

Concerning but impressive.

"Then... why don't you look happy?" I ask.

"I am. I am happy for Shrek, and Princess Fiona, and their children. But the movie is finished and we're back here." She gestured in my bedroom.

"Here... happy endings does not happen all the time." She said, forcing a smile before fixing the buttons on her pajama shirt.

My baby girl had... to grow up too fast. It breaks me that this is how she sees life now.

A Fresh Start (A Lost Cause Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now