5 - Go Your Own Way

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🐭War's POV

It was... weird.

Extremely confusing.

Insanely... arousing? Do I have a exhibitionist fetish or something? I mean it felt good. But the thing is...

Why did it?

Was it because Alex is attractive? Because she is pretty and has a great body.

But then... Is it because of Yin? Seeing him there?

Now instead of getting clarity, I'm all confused. Fuck.

It brought more questions than answers. It is NOT a good idea to make potential life changing decisions when we're drunk, or at the very least on the right mindset.

Maybe it was the different people around us mixed with the different places I've seen.

Well, the good thing is, we're going back home.

The one and only thing I could really do... to answer all my questions is just to deep dive and be intimate with Yin. I've always been distant on that front with him. Try as I might, it was a sensitive topic for me before.

But what happened last night was something else...

I thought I will be disgusted or maybe even afraid. But none was true. Last night was good. Really good. For what felt like a long time, I felt... good.

Now my problem is how to talk to Yin.

After he walked out last night, he hasn't said a word to me.

I can still hear him. When he called Belle as we ride to the airport. Heard him talking to Alex's cousins. But he never really initiated any conversation to me. Not that we're very chatty anyway.

Somehow, it feels ominous.

Maybe I'm just being paranoid.

"Have a safe trip, War. See you soon." Alex said as she gives me a hug and I hugged her back.

In the background, I can hear Yin saying his goodbyes.

"Thanks for all the help. See you soon." I responded. I looked and one of Alex's cousins... that girl... Antonnia is whispering something to Yin, and Yin responds with a mischievous look on his face and a whisper back to her.

They were laughing like really old friends. Somehow looks fake. The shrill on her laugh is really hard on the ear to be honest.

Like Janice's laugh in the US Series 'Friends'. I can almost hear Janice say it. Her signature 'Oh My Goddd'. It really is annoying.

"Go on you'll be late. Don't be a stranger, PIC." She winks at Yin, then Yin makes a gun with his fingers and playfully shoots a 'gun' and all of Alex's cousins pretend to be shot with it.

They were laughing and it felt like they were taking longer so I went on to the conveyor belt for carry-on bag scanning.

After getting in, I went straight to the Business Class queue and soon, I see Yin enter the place and went just behind me. Since no one's on the line, he's right behind me as I gave my passport to the person behind the counter.

Now it's just the two of us.

Which highlighted the silence between us.

The flight felt double the time it takes to get here. It felt so long inside that plane. As hours and minutes pass, the heaviness in the atmosphere becomes more prominent.

Not one word was said during the whole trip back home. I tried to initiate conversations but there's always something.

He's on the phone for work.

A Fresh Start (A Lost Cause Sequel)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora