7 - Fix You

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🦤Yin's POV

At a young age, I knew we were not rich. We're not poor but we're not rich as well. We lived well enough to seem well off but not really.

We ate good food, but it's always barely enough for all of us.

So, living with waste is not my strongest suit. Seeing the once love of my life throw away his life by making one stupid decision right after another.

Now that, is a waste.

It started with the gossip and I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Then THE social post came. A photo with a diamond ring that oddly enough, is picked out by the soon to be bride.

Captioned with a 'He's always thinking of me. Hence, a no limit expense on my engagement ring! Told him I would say yes with a toy ring found in a cereal box.'

What a load of bullshit.

Yet the keyboard warriors ate it all up.

Saying War's lucky to have her. Saying being with a single father is already a big turn off for some but she's just too kind to not let it bother her. Saying she's the ideal wife and mother.

Fucking insane!

Now I impulsively check on any buzz about it. That girl posts every single thing about her life.

Booking venues. Checking up on flowers. Wedding gown designs, materials, and measurements. Food tastings. Wedding invitations and seating plans, which to my shock, includes me.

A whole series of posts with #FeelingBlessed, #BrideToBe, and #FutureMrs. Plus, a whole lotta hashtags that looked ridiculous that by the end of it, no longer even relates to the post.

It's a strange feeling. Like looking at some celebrity that is not in touch with the reality of life. As if the whole world is revolving around her, and her wedding of course.

On top of it all, I get to see less and less of Belle. So limited that I felt she looked different every time I see her. Every month there will be a slight change in her.

Sometimes it's a change in her hair style.

Sometimes it's a change in her clothes and shoes.

Other times it's a change in the way she speaks.

Sometimes it's a change in her mannerisms.

She's slowly and absolutely changing every time I see her.

My sweet, bubbly, happy girl is barely there as I sit with her in her pajamas, which is now... weirdly silk.

She hates silk.

She always say, 'it's too slippery daddy.' but now, she's wearing it.

"It's been more than a month since we had our last sleepover, how's been so far? How's being with Auntie Alex at the house?" I ask, trying to sound cool. She's turning 5 in a few months, and even though she's young, she's always been sharp-eyed.

"Okay, I guess." She said in a monotonous tone. The old sparkle in her eyes and voice, barely there anymore.

"How about school, anything interesting?" I tried to pry her open up with me.

"Nothing, really." Was the only thing I got.

With one month away from War's wedding, I know something is wrong. Was it War's fault, Alex's fault, I don't care. What I know is... I need to take care of her. Just like how I promised her the day she was born.

I sighed and stood up, I can see her eyes flicker up to me before looking back on her iPad.

I pulled out my phone and dialed War's number.

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