2 | Chaos

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A True Look Of Love, two.
❝ Chaos. ❞

          It was day two of me and Jungwon being in the same room, it didn't really seem to bother me though. He did his own stuff and I did mine.

I wake up again, dreading to start another day again, I would of already jumped off the building but the stupid nurse from earlier, na bora. Stopped me.

Now I can't go outside without someone being with me, doesn't help the fact I have zero friends or family. I also wouldn't dare to do that because if I did I would be sent back to that darn mental hospital.

I hated that place more then I hated myself.

(Which, by the way, is a huge amount of hatred.)

I sigh and I get up and sit up on my bed it was still pretty early the sun hadn't risen up yet. When I was gonna go get off the bed to open the curtains I suddenly stopped because of a shuffling sound behind me, not too far, but not too close. It was around like 4:AM, who the hell is doing up this late!?

My body tensed up as the blood in my body stopped flowing. I didn't move and quickly scanned the room with my eyes, not daring to move.

I saw a book so without hesitation I grabbed it quick and turned around fast expecting to meet some sort of ghost. I saw a glimpse of a tall guy and that was enough for me to jump and throw the hard-covered book at him.


I fell to ground as someone else did too. I heard someone groan so I quickly turned on the lamp light expecting to see some creep... Except it wasn't.
"Jesus, What the hell!?" Jungwon yelled.

Fuck, I messed up.

My eyes widen as I shot up.
"Shit! Are you okay!?" I ask, quickly jolting to him.

"Obviously not."

I looked over at his lip, the corner on his bottom lip was bleeding.
I rolled my eyes.
"To be fair it wasn't my fault, why were you behind me and not saying anything?" I state. He chuckled sarcastically.

"We share both this room, you don't own it do you?" He said with a snarky tone. I scoff.
"And why were you up so early! That shit scared me." He snapped, clearly annoyed.

"I could ask the same to you, why were you up, hm?" I shot right back at him in the same sarcastic tone.
"I woke up because of your loud ass!" He whisper-yelled at me.


Me and Jungwon both look at the door and then back to each other asking we both just saw what was happening with our eyes. "T-The d-door..." He mumbles, shaking. The door was slowly being opened and that was enough for me to think that this was my last encounter on earth.

"I knew it. The ghost on floor three was real. Shit what do we do-" Jungwon said, continuing to blab some shit I didn't understand. This dude really was insane. I tried to shush him up by hinting by pointing my index finger on my lips but it was no use. It was too dark.

"I knew it! We're gonna die-" Oh for the sake of God, can this dude ever shut up!?

In a swift motion I grab his hand and drag him and hid behind my bed, I covered his mouth with my palm. He was clearly caught off guard. I heard foot steps caustically enter the room with low steps. The loud squeak that Jungwon made, made me know that we were already dead.

"Do you have your last words-" damn, this dude still talks when we're about to die? The lights flick on and we both look up, caught off guard. The nurse standing there looking very disappointed.

𝘼 𝙏𝙧𝙪𝙚 𝙇𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙊𝙛 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 | 𝙔𝙖𝙣𝙜 𝙅𝙪𝙣𝙜𝙬𝙤𝙣Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang