Chapter 17

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Chris pov...

I arrive home grab the painkillers, tampons and some snacks off the seat next to me and walk into the house forcing a smile on my face... When i walked in Hannah was lying on the couch with a hot water bottle and Dodger. I sigh... 

"Hey sweetheart..." I say and give her a quick kiss and sit down next to her running my hand through her hair... I greet Dodger and he goes to his pillow... "Bad cramps?" I ask and she nods... "I brought what you asked and some chocolates and some other snacks." I say and she smiles at me... "Thank you..." She says and she sits up and cuddles into me as i scoot back on the couch... 

We just sit there not saying a word... "Do you want to cancel our dinner plans with Scarlet and Colin?" I ask breaking the silence after a while... "No... I will take my painkiller and then i will get ready..." She hums and i take in a sharp breath... "Okay..." I hum and she gives me a quick kiss before she takes the painkillers with her to the bathroom to get ready...

I sigh. I quickly take Dodger for a walk before getting changed myself... After i  got changed i wait in the kitchen for Hannah. I dont know what she is doing. She always takes forever to get ready... About an hour and a half later we are on our way to the restaurant. I try to push Willow out of my mind and focus on a fun night, seeing Scarlet and Colin again. Just to relax, eat some good food and enjoy some good company... No thinking about Willow and my baby...

There are hugs all around before we sit down. Scarlet looks at me and raises an eyebrow and i wonder what that is all about, but she says nothing... As the evening progresses, i relax a little and manage to not think about Willow all the time... Still every now and then she pops up in my mind as i wonder what she is doing now... I wonder if our little girl is awake and kicking her... I wonder if Waldo is noticing it and if he likes the fact, he is getting a little human sister... I bet that he is amazing and sweet, knowing he is being raised by Willow...

I shake my head and focus back on the conversations around the table... Hannah excuses herself to go to the toilet and gives me a quick kiss... I smile at her, and she walks off... As soon as she is out of ear shot Scarlet looks at me... "Okay Evans... Out with it..." She says and i look confused... 

"Out with what?" I ask and Scarlet scoffs and shakes her head... "Oh cut the crap Chris... Out with whatever is going on with you..." She says and i take in a sharp breath... "Nothing is going on..." I stutter... "What makes you say that?" I ask and she scoffs again... "Well for one, you look like crap... You have lost weight and look like you haven't slept in weeks... Two, you space out and are not really here... Are you and Hannah, okay? Is something going on?" She asks and i want to say something, but Hannah joins us again and i look at Scarlet pleading with my eyes to not say anything... She drops it and we continue the dinner... 

When it is time to go home Scarlet hugs me... "Chris... I am worried... If you need someone to talk to..." She whispers and i pull back and smile at her... I kiss her cheek... "I know... I will be fine." I mumble and she sighs... "Dont make me call in the big guns..." She whispers and i shake my head... "No need for that... I am fine Scarlet..." I say and she nods... "You and me... Lunch... Next week... And i am not taking no for an answer..." She says and i sigh and nod, knowing it is no use to protest... After saying goodbye to Colin i take Hannah's hand and we walk back to the car... 

Hannah is chatting about everything and nothing but mostly her upcoming project and i just smile and nod... She seems to be feeling better and her chatty self again... The painkillers seem to work... "So, i was thinking..." Hannah says as we reach the car and i open the door for her and she gets in... "Yeeeees...." I say smiling at her. Whenever she starts a sentence like this i know that she is buttering me up for something... 

"What if you come with me...?" She says and i look confused... "Come with you...?" I ask and she giggles and nods... "Yeah, come with me to my new shoot... I have to film but we can hang out between takes and be together after work... You know... You can wait for me at home... Naked..." She says giggling and i sigh before forcing myself to smile... "As tempting as that sounds and as much as i want to, sweetheart... I can't..." I say and she looks at me a little annoyed and irritated... 

I sigh and close her door walk around the car. My mind is racing to make up an excuse... I dont want to go... I want to stay in Boston... I get in... "Why?" She asks annoyed... "I have meetings here in Boston..." I say and she rolls her eyes... "Then move them to LA... Or do them over zoom..." She says and i sigh... "I wish i could sweetheart... But i can't... But i promise i will come visit..."  I say but she does not answer just sighs... I start the car and make our way home... 

Neither one of us is saying a word... Hannah is just looking out the window... I feel like an asshole... I could go with her... There are no meetings... But she has to film in LA for 4 months... Going with her for 4 months would mean i would not be close when my little girl would be born... I know it is a mess and i know Willow wants nothing to do with me. But the idea to be far away as she is born... I want to be close... For what... I dont know but still, i want to be here in Boston... 

As soon as i had parked the car Hannah got out and stormed into the house... I sigh and close my eyes for a second... Great another fight... Again... Yes, i know it is because of me... I am failing everyone... I groan and get out of the car and get out and walk in after her, gearing myself up for another screaming match... 

"Sweetheart..." I sigh as i find her in the kitchen grabbing a drink... All of a sudden, she swerves around and looks at me with fire in her eyes... "Is this about the whole baby thing..." She hisses and i feel the blood drain from my face...

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