Did I make the right choice

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Kai is standing next to where the Fang blade is where it is sinking into the lava, but Lloyd is in front of him also sinking into the lava.

Kai just stands there perplex on what todo until he hears Lloyd scream "KAI PLEASE HELP ME JUST PLEASE HELP ME" Lloyd just looked at him helpless.

Kai then looked Lloyd in the eye's saying "sorry Lloyd, but this is for the greater good." Kai then grabbed the Fang blade, but before leaving Kai looked at Lloyd who looked back with anger.

Kai then leaves without saying another word, but thought to himself 'I am so sorry Lloyd I wish I could help you, but Ninjago is more important."

Just as the Volcano erupted Kai gets to the Bounty, but he then hears Lloyd painful screams.

Once Kai got to the Bounty everyone runs runs over to him. Garmadon then pushes his way past the others, he then looks around. When he didn't see what he was looking for, Gramadon then looked to Kai asking "where the fuck is my son you dame fire ninja."

Kai just looked down, so Garmadon asked again yelling this time "WHERE THE FUCK IS MY SON. ANSWER ME."

Kai then looked up saying "I did what was right so we could stop the Serpentine."

Nya then walked forward "what do you mean Kai"

Kai then pulls out the Fang blade and everyone gasps when they see it.

"Kai don't tell me you left Lloyd behind please tell me you didn't" said Nya on the verge of crying.

"I am sorry"

Nya then smacked Kai while crying. Kai then held his cheek saying "what the fuck was that for"

"You let an innocent child die. I also saw him as my little brother."

"Why he was a brat anyways" Kai said rolling his eyes.

"Because when you where all playing hero, I was the one taking care of him."

Kai just looked down and Nya ran inside crying. Jay then went after her "Nya Wait"

"I hope your happy Kai" Cole said as he ran in after Jay

"Zane do you hate me"

"Kai you are my friend, but that was really fucked up."

Zane then went inside as well.

Kai just stood there as Garmadon and Wu left to go inside as well.

Kai then looked at the Fang blade and said "did I really make the right choice."

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