Chapter 9 - Stumble

Start from the beginning

"It's been one hell of an adventure, that's for sure," I chuckled softly,

"Tell me,"

I glanced up at him and he was looking at me. Even now his gaze made my cheeks go red.

"I want to hear about you first," I responded firmly.

He glanced behind us at the others, who were still distracted by their own conversation, before lowering his voice,

"Later... I want to talk just you and me... so... tell me your story,"

He smiled at me and I rolled my eyes. I guess I lost this one.

"Okay fine ... well, when we were 'rescued' after the maze... plot twist, it was Wicked..."

"Hey Gally, how'd you end up with a crank as a roommate?" Newt asked from behind us.

"Actually... I owe that crank my life... when Lawrence and his crew found me, they could've sold me back to Wicked... traded my life for a few vials of serum. Instead, they offered me a place. Then I had something worth living for," Gally sighed

"And what's that?" Thomas asked.

Gally didn't respond as he stopped where the large tunnel split off two ways. One way was tiny and the other was the same size as the one we were in now. 

He turned back to the boys and I,

"Wait here, I'll be right back,"

He gave me one last glance before squatting down and slowly heading down the smaller tunnel.

"What's he doing?" Thomas muttered while walking closer to the tunnel beside me. Newt followed.

We saw Gally's torch light slowly getting further away. Tom turned back to us two.

"You think we should trust him? After everything he's done?"

I presumed he was mainly asking Newt. I opened my mouth to respond but shut it as Newt spoke,

"What other options do we have?" Newt sighed, "I know this may be hard for you to believe Tommy, but... there was a time when Gally was a true friend of mine,"

Thomas inhaled deeply and looked at me.

"He didn't mean to do it Tom," I murmured.

Thomas's eyes faltered. He swallowed, his throat bobbing.


We looked behind Tom to see Gally squatting at the entrance of the smaller tunnel.

"It's clear... Let's move," he instructed before heading back down the tunnel

I glanced at both Newt and Thomas... before following Gally.

"Hope your right," Thomas muttered behind me as they entered the tunnel.

"Alright this way," Gally said while turning into an even smaller tunnel where we now had to actually crawl. But I could see the end now. The tunnel stopped and instead, a blue light from whatever was at the other end shone through. Gally stopped at the exit.

"Hold on,"

The three of us waited. Then I felt the cement around me start to shake. Then I heard rumbling. And screeching. And then the whooshing of wind.

A train started passing through the other side of the end of the tunnel.

"Alright, we're gonna have to be quick about this!" Gally called over the sound of the train, "We're not gonna have a lot of time! Stay close to me, okay?"

He looked at me. I nodded softly.

And then the train passed.

"Okay, let's go!" Gally barked while jumping out of the tunnel. I crawled as fast as I could to the end and jumped down. Tom and Newt followed.

I looked at both sides of my position. We were really on an underground train track.

"Great, Tommy loves trains, don't you love?" Newt smirked. Tom rolled his eyes.

"That's great, you're about to see another one real soon," Gally remarked before grasping my hand, "Let's go!"

He started sprinting down the track, pulling me with him. And I heard Newt and Thomas follow us.

"Gally, what the hell are we doing?" Thomas yelled from the back.

"Less talking! More running!" Gally bellowed back.

As I fell in step with Gal, I realized I was almost outrunning him. His breathing was hoarse and heavy. And he favored one side of his body.

I forgot about that as I started to hear the rumbling again. And the ground started to shake.

"Oh fuck," I panted while pushing as hard as I could. But I stumbled slightly and my bad ankle erupted in pain, "Shit!"

Gally didn't say a thing as he pulled me to my feet, placed a hand around my waist, and kept running. I limped on my foot but Gally somehow managed to hold most of my weight and keep us at a fast pace.

"We're almost there!" Gally hollered to the boys still behind us.

And up ahead we saw the glaring lights of the train. And a ladder just a few meters in front on the side.

Gally pushed me up the first rungs but I glanced back to see Thomas beside Gally... and Newt collapsed on the track.

"Newt!" Both Thomas and I screamed in unison while I jumped down from the ladder and pushed past the boys. Gally grabbed me and pulled me back, and then did the same to Thomas,

"Stay with her!" Gally barked while sprinting to Newt's side. We both started to run in their direction anyway. But the train was right behind us.

Tom grabbed me and pushed me against the wall as the train sped past us. I watched as the train hit Gally and Newt.

"No!" I screeched.

I looked at Thomas. His eyes were closed.

The train completely passed us.

Tears started to form-


I snapped my head back.

Newt and Gally were moving on the tracks. They were alive. Relief washed over me as both Tom and I ran to their sides. Thomas almost made Newt fall over when he enveloped him into a bone-crushing hug. I ran up to Gally and put my hands on the sides of his cheeks doing a once over of his body.

"I'm fine Ellie,"

I sighed in disbelief, tears filling my eyes. I glanced behind to see Thomas finally letting go of Newt. So I wrapped my brother into an even tighter hug

"Jeez... I'm fine El,"

"We never were great runners were we Newt?" Gally sighed.

"I've only got one good leg," Newt remarked, still wrapped up in my arms.

"And I've only got one good lung," Gally added. 

I let go of Newt to hit him on the shoulder,

"Ow," He whined rubbing where I hit him

"You scared me dip shit," I hissed.

Newt chuckled,

"It's what I do best little sis,"

I rolled my eyes,

"Wait. Sister?" Gally exclaimed looking between me and Newt.

"Oh, did I forget to mention that?" I laughed.

"Yeah, you did," Gally said rolling his eyes, "Come on, we better go... before another train comes,"

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