It was obvious we weren't talking about waves anymore. I just found it stupid how quickly him and wren got together, I mean they knew nothing about each other, they had only known each other for like 2 weeks before they had their arms around each other. I think you should wait, see if there's a connection before you make contact, but I suppose that's rich coming from me, I did try to kiss Bax..

But still, I guess I'm just not like Ari, I'd rather find someone who could actually be my soulmate.

"But what if it eventually does come, just not when you were expecting?" I questioned.
Ari: "Too late. Heat's over, everyone's gone home."
"I think there's still a couple minutes left on the clock."
You shouldn't give up, stop searching.
Ari: "Whatever." He said shaking his head. "Let's get out there."

We were walking back up the beach, everyone had arrived now, for the competition.
"Ari, I'm sorry I disappeared all those years ago. I should have called." I said tucking a strand of my soaking wet hair behind my ear.
Ari: "It's fine. I get it, you know, England's your home, after all."
"Not according to Abbie."
Ari: "I'm sorry, about last night. I shouldn't have said that."
I didn't reply, I just nodded, if I'm honest I had been trying to forget about his words.
Ari: "So you forgive me?"
I shrugged.
"You forgive me for breaking little you's heart?" I laughed.

Ari had admitted he had a crush on me, when we were five, it was the last time I saw him, until five months ago, obviously.

"Have you heard the Aussie phrase, up yourself?" "No. I haven't." I laughed as we approached our gazebo on the beach, Wren was sat down and Elo was bandaging her ankle.
She waved and Ari waved back, a smile on his face.

Announcer: "You can feel the tension in the air as the Blu Gravity Talent Search kicks off." I heard an announcer say.

We were all under our gazebo, next to a small stage, Marlon was playing his ukulele as usual. Most of us were wearing our wetsuits up to our waist, as we awaited the beginning of the competition.

Tuscany, Bodhi's little crush, was being interviewed, next to us, on the stage.
"Tuscany Bray, you have been on a hot streak up north. Now you've come south to show up the locals?"
Tuscany: "Oh, don't say that. I want the locals to like me." She laughed, looking down towards Bodhi, me and Poppy.
"I'm sure they will." The interviewer smiled.

"So she really used the word, date?" I asked Bodhi, excitedly.
They had met at the surf shop.
Bodhi: "I know, I couldn't believe it. And, of course, it just made me more nervous, but... she was just, like, so amazing."
Poppy: "Blushing! Look at your crush face!"
"Look!" I smiled pointing to her face and then at my cheeks.
Poppy giggled.
Bodhi: "No, okay. I mean, I don't know what's gonna happen. We both live in different states, so... I'm just trying not to overthink it."
"Right." I nodded.
Suddenly Wren appeared, limping.
Wren: "Wait, did you and Tuscany catch up? I didn't know that was happening in real life."
Bodhi: "Oh, yeah, no, I just... I don't know, I didn't want to make a big deal about it, in case I crashed and burned. But, um... she's super cool. I don't know why you guys didn't hang out more in Queensland."
Wren stuttered for a moment.
Wren: "Different circles. Yeah."
"Nice to know one of us is getting some action." I smiled, hooking my arm over her shoulder.
Griff: "Yeah, I don't think she's the only one, hey?" He said, wrapping his arms around Poppy, as he appeared behind her.
Poppy: "Griff! Could you not?" She said taking his arms off of her.
I saw her glance at Marlon, and he looked away.
Griff: "Just being friendly." He shrugged, stepping back.
Wren began to limp over to Ari.

"Wait, does this mean me, Bax and Marlon are the only single ones now!" I exclaimed.
Baxter: "Don't say it like it's a bad thing, Princess!" He laughed from the table under the gazebo.
I turned to look at him and just smiled, before he disappeared back behind the gazebo.
Bodhi: "Well, me and Tuscany are only talking, we're not dating."
"Yet!" I laughed.
Poppy: "And me and Griff aren't even dating."
Griff: "Ouch." He whispered.
"Again, yet!"
Marlon: "Are you sure Poppy, you guys seem pretty serious?"
Poppy just rolled her eyes.
I huffed.
"Okay, but you guys what I mean, you've got things going on!" I complained.
Poppy: "So, find a guy!" She laughed.
Bodhi: "Or a girl!" She added.
I smiled at them.
"It's just not that simple though!" I laughed.
Marlon: "Summer anyone would be lucky to date you, you're an amazing girl, you're smart, you're absolutely stunning and you're not that bad of a surfer."
"Thanks, Brazil." I smiled.
Baxter: "Is that Marlon Sousa I hear, confessing his undying love for Summer?" He laughed, appearing at the table again.
"Why, you jealous?" I laughed.
He shrugged.
I rolled my eyes, but I could feel a blush coat my cheeks. I watched as he disappeared once again.
Poppy: "I agree with Bax, Marlon, sounds like you really like her."
Griff: "Yeah, maybe you two should-"
"Yeah, I'm gonna stop you there, Griffin."
Griff: "Stop calling me that!"
I ignored him and turned to Marlon.
"No offence Brazil, but I'm good as friends."
Marlon: "None taken, England. I'm good too."
"Um, rude!" I laughed.
The others joined in.
Poppy: "What about Baxter? You two seemed.. like something, last night?" She smirked, raising an eyebrow at me.
Bodhi: "Baxter? As in Wren's brother!?"
I didn't reply, I just smiled.
Poppy: "Oh, my, God!"
Bodhi: "Baxter!?" She exclaimed.
Baxter: "That's my name." He said from the table once again,
I hit Bodhi's arm.
Baxter: "What you guys talking about?" He asked.
"Um, nothing."
Poppy: "Summer's confessing her undying love for you!" She laughed.
"I am, not!" I shouted, laughing.
Baxter: "Aw, well that's sweet of you, princess. Give me a couple days to write my vows." He smirked and sent me a wink.
I just rolled my eyes.
"Keep dreaming!" I called as he disappeared behind the gazebo once again.
Elo: "Gang, why do I get the feeling that you're all getting distracted?" She said joining us, which caught Ari, Wren, Cassidy and Tommy's attention.
Shit, had she heard us!?
Elo: "Listen, this is our last chance before Nationals to see some of your interstate rivals in action, yeah?"
Bax appeared behind me and I turned to look at him.
Bax: "Yeah. Spoiler alert. They're better than you guys." He said looking out at the water.
"Thanks." I whispered, rolling my eyes.
I turned back to face the others.
I feel his breath on my neck, I inhaled sharply at the feeling.
Bax: "Jealous? Don't worry, they could never be as good as you, princess." He whispered.
I turned around again and playfully pushed his chest.
He just smiled to himself.
Elo: "Bax, Summer? Attention, please?"
"Yeah, sorry." I mumbled, I looked to Bax and tried not to laugh.
Poppy wriggled her eyebrows at me, while Wren eyed us suspiciously.
Elo continued to talk.
Elo: "And not to mention all the big sponsors are here watching. So every comp, every heat, is an opportunity. Don't waste it."
I sighed, that's something I was in desperate need for, a sponsor.

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