Ugh, the fake bitch act, once again..

Wren turned just as our coach knocked Griff to the floor.
"Okay, is everybody here? Great. I'm Elo Radic, your new coach." The woman introduced.
Wren: "And my sister." She said, leaning over towards me.
"Great." I sighed, under my breath.

We were all scattered around, doing our own individual exercises, some of us were jumping up on a box, lifting weights, swinging weights, exercising with weights, one legged squats, throwing tennis balls back and forth, while I was doing standing adductor stretches.

Elo was stood in the middle of us all.
Elo: "Well, congratulations on making the Victorian State Team. It's no small feat. It's just a shame that you guys haven't brought home a National Title in, what is it, 20 years? Well, lucky for you, I coached Team Queensland to the winning podium three years running. The reality is, surfing is an individual sport."

As she was speaking I heard the sound of the door close, I turned to see him. Baxter. He was wearing some bright orange trainers, a pair of black denim shorts, with a matching black denim jacket with no sleeves and covered in pins, a grey tank top with a wave on and writing that I couldn't quite read from here, black headphones around his neck and a pair of white retro sunglasses as an accessory.
He continued to walk towards us all, his black and red gym bag swinging in his hand.

Elo was still talking as he approached us.
Elo: "And it's my job to work out what drives you, to bring out your very best on the water."
Griff: "Hey, coach, what's Sousa doing here? He didn't make the cut." He huffed as he lifted his weight.
Marlon and Ari stopped throwing the tennis balls as they stared to look at him.
I glared at Griff.
"I don't think it has anything to do with you if he's here or not, Temple." I shot back, before Elo spoke.
Elo: "Marlon and Cassidy are our subs. Back-ups in case of injury. Or if I decide that you're out of your depth." She turned to look at the rest of us. "Come on, guys! Let's go!"
I smiled as Baxter appeared at the edge of my mat.
Baxter: "Ah, sorry, sis." He said, taking his glasses off of his face, revealing those aquatic blue eyes. "Did I miss your big inspirational speech?" He joked, dropping his bag, and removing his jacket. I stared slightly at his muscular arms now fully on show.
Elo: "Burpees. Now." She ordered, at her brother.

Baxter smiled as his head turned to look at me, I just about caught the wink he sent me under his pink hair, that covered his forehead. I felt a blush coat my cheeks as I smirked back.

Elo: "All of you. Until I say stop." She said turning to look at Poppy and the others.
"What happened to surfing's an individual sport?" I questioned as Bax dropped to the floor to begin his burpees.
Elo: "It's called accountability, Waves. Burpees now."
I rolled my eyes as I jumped up, before lowering myself to the floor.

Elo: "Today is all about physical fitness.. and identifying your strengths.. and weaknesses."

"Come on, Bax!" I shouted, cheering him on as him and Ari both raced to climb to the top of the ropes.
Wren: "Go on, Ari!"
Poppy: "Let's go, Ari!"
"You got this, Bax!" I shouted, trying to be heard over the girls.
Bodhi: "Ari!"
"Baxter!" I cheered, clapping as he approached the top, slightly ahead of Ari. "Yes!" I shouted and clapped as Baxter rung the bell at the top, just a moment before Ari.

I rushed over to Baxter, as they both came back down onto the floor, while everyone else rushed over to Ari, now that I was seeing it I actually felt bad for Bax, everyone cares so much about Ari, instead of him.
"That was awesome!" I laughed.
Baxter: "Glad you're impressed, Princess."
I rolled my eyes, but I felt myself blush at the name.
"Shut up."
Baxter: "I told you, if you keep doing that they'll get stuck back there."
"And I'm telling you, if you keep calling me that, I'll keep rolling my eyes."
Baxter: "Don't act like you don't love it." He said, before leaning closer to my ear. "Princess."
I put my hands against his chest, slightly pushing him away.
"You've got a death wish Radic, everyone's here." I reminded.
He just shrugged.
Baxter: "What can I say? I've always been a rebel." He smirked.
I just laughed, when suddenly the others began to walk to the next activities.
"Come on!" I said grabbing his wrist and dragging him along.

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