VII. B & A

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Adrienne groaned as the early afternoon walk back to the dorm rooms, the weather growing colder and colder every day, along with her thoughts.

He joined a fraternity.

She clenched her jaw tight trying to compose herself—her feelings.

She had to walk on eggshells about how she felt, not to embarrass him or make everyone seem like he was crazy to be dating her.

and this started recently, she knew that she wasn't dumb.

Ever since OLD habits decided to come back around.

And by habits she meant...Kevin.

Not just Kevin but California.

She caught a glimpse of that side of Billy, the side only he knew how to be before he changed into something better than that.

Like she was any better.

She didn't shut down Jeremy either.

It was clear he was aware she was in a relationship and didn't care whatsoever.

Her head throbbed with her thoughts overwhelming her. She deeply sighed to snap herself back into real life, her only focus was wanting to take a nap.

Before the feeling of roughed hand creeps around her waist.

Without hesitating, she spun herself in the opposite direction to free herself, until the arm pulled her body back to clash with its hard chest.

"Promise not to be mad?" The familiarity of Billy's rugged voice slowly put her at ease, still irritated with him but slightly relieved at the chance of her getting groped by a creep.

"Fuck off Billy." Adrienne groaned pushing his hand off her waist as her body grew heavy.

"No,"  Billy smirked to himself, pulling her back into him, this time spinning her to face and clash straight into his chest. "Not until you stop being mad and show up right beside me at this party."

"It's Monday. I'm not going to a party." She protested at him, rolling her eyes at him.

"Please." Billy forced a frown that was quick to turn into a smirk, he bowed his head to place a soft kiss on her temple, trailing his kisses along her jaw, his curls nuzzling her neck and ear making her shiver at the sensation. "I need my Adrienne looking pretty right next to me."

"I can show you something pretty." She growled in her throat, making Billy groan.

"What did I do now Adrienne." There was irritation in his tone, his eyes rolled as he spoke, not even a question, like a statement instead.

"You're smart enough, figure it out." She finally shoved him away from her, continuing her gaze to follow back to her room, Billy groaned and trailed right behind her.

"It wasn't my idea." Billy huffed out continuing his trail after Adrienne who scoffed at his words.

"And yet, you're still following it."

"Jesus Christ Adrienne, what issue do you have?" Billy spat, his anger rapidly growing, a more intense tone in his throat. "Ever since I started— WE started our lives here it's like you're bothered that I'm even doing that."

"You are not implying that I'm jealous and insecure are you?" Adrienne stopped in her steps making Billy bump into her back, he grunted at the impact disregarding his speed chasing after her.

"What if I am Adrienne." Billy sighed, lowering his words into her ear.

She inhaled sharply, keeping herself content instead of punching right in his face. She exhaled sharply, slumping her shoulders down before answering him.

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