VI. Adrienne

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The morning post-sex glow was always so radiant and obvious on them both. The feeling of calloused fingertips run along the dips of her hips, up along her waist, in a slow comforting motion. Her curled lashed lids fluttered open, her vision in the presence of Billy's low tired eyes focusing up and down, analyzing each feature and texture of her skin that was entwined with his.

"Morning." Billy lowly chuckled into her ear, smiling as the tickles of his small outgrew blond curls tickled her cheeks.

"You need a haircut" Adrienne giggled at him pressing soft kisses onto his cheeks, he smirked as he moved his head to look into her eyes.

"You need a haircut."

"Are you mocking me?"

"Are you mocking me?" Billy smirked, imitating the soft tone in her voice.

"I'm stupid." Adrienne raised her brows at him only making his smirk grow wider.

"I know you are but what am I?"

"Shut up." Adrienne huffed rolling her eyes at him before Billy squeezed her hip tightly.

"Make me." He suggested. Leaning into her lips she scoffed as they smiled in between their kiss.

"We get it already." The eerie tone of Kevin sent a shiver down Adrienne's back. She groaned, Billy sighed heavily as they both turned their heads to bring their intimidating glares straight into his coked-out green eyes.

He was a mess.

Not like they cared,
but the way the dark brown bangs of his hair had no care to them, hickies on his chest practically naked in his undies, dark under eye circles from sleep deprivation, constant sniffling of his obvious coke addiction, not to mention he reeked of cheap perfume and alcohol.

"Why are you both staring at me like that." Kevin groaned wincing at the pain of his throbbing headache, turning his body away from them on his shitty dorm bed.

Billy brought his focus back to Adrienne, disregarding him. "Shower with me." He growled lowly placing soft kisses onto his painful marks on Adrienne's collar bones.

"Only cause you asked so nicely." Adrienne playfully sighed against his skin, closing her eyes as she was comfortably entwined with him.

"Barf. Relationships." Kevin announced making Adrienne huff irritably.

"I'm gonna slit your throat." Adrienne sharply spat at him making Kevin chuckle and Billy smirk at her boldness.

"Easy," Billy responded, using his two fingers her focus back onto his eyes. "Are you showering with me or not? Because not to mention, I need help." He smirked, pressing his pelvis against her thigh to rub his pulsating erection.

She gasped at the sensation, while he smirked the radiant energy of his cockiness flowing through his veins.

"It's either you or my right hand." He whispered in her ear, looking down at her like he was about to devour her.

Surprised and flustered at his words, she stared at him blankly, her expression of utter bliss as her love for him quickly took over her body. Breaking her blank expression she blushed and hid her face as she giggled against his chest.

"Exactly what I thought." He smirked pressing a firm kiss onto her temple, scooping her up in his arms in a bridal position, sheets wrapped around their naked skin, immediately rushing into the bathroom and loudly locking the door.


Their final weekend before a new semester as college students consisted of nothing but ecstasy-fueled sex, the comfort of naps and showers, cheap dorm, and beat-up Los Angeles food shacks. Endless conversations resulted in the exhaustion of staying awake together to nap all weekend.

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