10 Years (Hanni Version) - P. HN x Reader

Start from the beginning

"Aren't you gonna get that?" I asked once a few seconds went by.

"Nah, she ruined our moment. She can wait!" Y/n chuckled out.

I couldn't stop myself from blushing.

"Maybe Y/n is really getting over Haerin," I thought to myself.

"Don't act like you don't love her!" I tried to tease.

"I do," Y/n took a deep breath.

"But I don't know if it's in the same way anymore," they exhaled out.

The comment put me into thought.

I felt a similar way about Y/n.

I had always loved Y/n and I still do, but it felt different.

"I guess maybe I opened my eyes a little wider and saw that there's much more in front of me," Y/n shyly mumbled under their breath.

The way Y/n smiled while saying that made me smile.

"Well, here we are!" Y/n announced.

It seemed like time had jumped again.

Every time I spent time with Y/n, it felt like it jumped to the end. I never felt like we spent enough time together.

"Thanks for walking me home. Goodnight!" I quickly kissed Y/n's kissed goodbye and shyly ran into my house.

- Y/N POV -

Hanni's demeanor was a lot different than when we first met.

Hanni and I met through this children's church band we were in as kids. As we got older, we started to drift off and do our own thing. Though, we always went to the same schools and had similar interests.

Hanni and I weren't really close, but we were always there for each other.

"See ya!" I yelled as I watched Hanni walk into her house.

I let out a deep breath from stress once Hanni closed the door behind her.

"What a mess," I mumbled under my breath.

I felt embarrassed that this was the second time Haerin had ruined the moment with me and Hanni.

The first time, I wasn't really ready... but this time around.... I had accepted that maybe what was in front of me was for a reason....

I was leaning in to kiss Hanni and just explore my feelings for someone else for once, but then it sounded like glass had broken.

I thought it was someone breaking in through the front door, but I guess I was wrong.

I ended up walking home a bit dazed. It felt like a whole part of me had just been shaken up.

For some reason I felt confused.

- Hanni POV -

I didn't want to miss the one chance I truly had, so invited Y/n to have lunch with me the following day.

Y/n had agreed, but 30 minutes had passed by and I started feeling like I was stood up.

I was just about to walk back into my house, when came running down the street. "I'm here! I'm sorry. The train was too packed!!" Y/n yelled.

I felt so embarrassed from how their apology echoed through the neighborhood.

"Shuusshh, my mom is still asleep!" I tried to get Y/n to be quiet.

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