telling her that you're pregnant

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"Baby? I'm home!" Selena called out as she closed the front door behind her.

You hurried downstairs and greeted her with a loving kiss on her lips, causing her to smile happily.

"How was your day?" You asked her.

"Not bad at all. But I'm happy to finally be back home with my girl." She replied as she wrapped you in her arms.

She stared into your eyes and felt thankful to see a sparkle inside them.

You've been sick for the last couple of days and seeing that little sparkle made her wonder if you were finally feeling better.

"Are you feeling okay?"

"For the most part." You said before biting your lip. "I mean, I'm still not feeling great but I know why I'm so sick."

"Oh? Did you go to the doctor's?"

"No." You said and watched her eyebrows raise.

"What's going on, my love?" She questioned curiously.

"I have something for you." You told her before taking her hand and leading her upstairs.

You had her sit down on the bed before you went over to the closet to grab a couple of gift bags.

"Am I missing something?" She asked as you sat down next to her. "Please don't tell me that I forgot something important."

"No, not at all. Just open these."

She sighed before opening up the first bag.

She pulled out what was inside and saw that there were a couple of onesies.

"Onesies?" She spoke.

"Next bag." You said as you eagerly watched her take out what was inside the second bag.

She pulled out a box that was wrapped up in gift wrap.

She ripped it open and took the lid off of the box before her eyes went wide.

"Oh..." She whispered in awe as she pulled out a pregnancy test.

She stared at it in shock as she saw the positive result on there.

She let it sink in for a few seconds before she gazed at you with surprise.

"Selena, we're having a baby. I'm pregnant."

She gasped as she dropped the test on the bed.

You were worried for a second upon watching her lower her head.

It was a little confusing since you and Selena had discussed your options recently after tying the knot and IVF seemed like the perfect fit for you both.

This was what you both hoped would happen so you worried and wondered why she was hanging her head.

"Sel?" You spoke quietly.

But as she lifted her head, you saw tears in her eyes and her lower lip trembling.

"I can't believe it's finally happening. We're having a baby!"

She pulled you into her arms and held you gently, careful not to hold you too tight.

"We're pregnant. It worked. I'm so happy!" She grinned.

"Me too." You replied as she pulled away slowly.

Tears were filling your eyes too as it sank in that your' and Selena's dream of starting a family together was finally coming true.

You've both been wanting this for a while, since before you even tied the knot, but you both agreed to wait until the time was right.

You didn't know how many rounds of IVF it would take but you couldn't be more grateful because it only took the one for your dreams to become a reality.

"A baby... I can't believe it. It almost seems too good to be true." You said as Selena brushed her hand across your stomach.

"I know. We've been waiting for this and it's happening, Y/N. It's really happening!" She grinned as she kissed the corners of your lips.

"I can't wait for them to be here. I'm so happy to finally be embarking on this journey with you, baby."

"Me too, my love." She said before she kissed your stomach softly. "Hello, in there. We're your moms and we can't wait to meet you!"

She gently rubbed your stomach and your heart swelled as you listened to her speak to your baby.

"We love you so much already and we look forward to the day that we finally get to hold you and kiss you. You're our everything and I promise, no matter what happens, we will always be here for you. You're so loved."

She kissed your stomach a few more times and you brushed your fingers through her hair.

She was going to be such a good mom, you could see it already.

"I love you." She said to you as she kissed your lips softly. "And I promise you, darling, I'm going to be here for you. Every step of the way. I'm not going to miss a thing. I promise."

"I love you too and I can't wait to see what our future holds." You whispered as you pulled her in for another hug.

"Me too, my love. It's going to be incredible." She whispered as she rubbed your back, knowing that she had all she'd ever need now.

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