Chapter 2

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Flashing images... A creeping darkness, trying to consume me....

..... I reach out, only to find I'm surrounded by metal walls. The darkness is suffocating...

But I do not falter...

I wake with a start, panting heavily. I don't know what that dream was... it was more like a nightmare. But already, the feeling of it was fading quickly. Beside me was Scruffles, my cat. His fluffy black fur rose and fell slowly with his breathing. It seemed my panic didn't wake him up, so that was good.

I sighed and looked at my alarm clock. The time read 6:00 exactly. I sat for a moment, debating if I should go back to sleep...

Nah, fuck it. There was no point in that. It wouldn't work anyway, and I decidedly didn't feel lazy this morning. I pulled myself out of the sheets the best I could without waking my cat, and I headed to the bathroom to clean myself up.

After a quick shower and a healthy breakfast, I was dressed and ready for the day. Heading to my office in the city, I was prepared for another day of sitting at my desk, waiting for phone calls. But as I drove through the busy city streets, I was reminded about yesterday night.

While stopped at a red light, I pulled the bedazzled pass from my briefcase. I studied it. It was... Cheap, in a sense. You would think something that cost 500 dollars wouldn't look like it came from the dollar store. I put it back with a soft sigh.

--------(Time skip several hours)

That was it. Nothing else to do. I could wait all day, but calls were just not coming in. Sitting at my desk and shuffling through a thousand papers with contacts wouldn't change it. I gathered up my stuff and locked my office behind me. I left a message with my receptionist, who in my opinion looked just as bored as I was.

"I doubt we'll get anything, but give me a call if we do. I don't think I will be busy"

"Of course Mr. King... You have plans for today?"

"No, not really... But... Well, I wanted to go and pay a visit to that Pizzaplex place"

"Really?... The one with the creepy robots and terrible food?"

"Ehh, robots aren't an issue for me. They're pretty common nowadays... The food though.. I'll have to find out for myself first before I judge it"

"Whatever you say, sir. Have a good day" She gives me a warm smile

"Will do April. You have a good day too"

I got in the elevator and headed back down to the front entrance. The temperature increased, and as I stepped out into the sun, I realized how hot it was. Hell, it was not a good day to be wearing a suit...

I quickly hurried to my car and popped the door. Throwing my stuff inside, I started the beast and cranked the AC.

Letting the cold air brush over me, I adjusted my seat straighter and rolled open my windows. I flipped down the visor and looked at myself in the small mirror.

I checked my hair and face and gave myself a confident smile. I looked sharp. A smooth face, fantastic jawline, and perfect skin.

I kept my hair short and brushed in a small wave to my right... I could have been a model if I had wanted to. Too bad I rather play with building blocks instead. I also chose to be eccentric. My hair color certainly shouted that fact.

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