Part 2

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The next day...

Ella was about to enter Kyle's house, but the dog door enterance was blocked on the inside.

Ella: Ow. What...?

Ella looks into Kyle's house, and saw that his TV was off, his laptop closed, his monitor off, and a note taped on the wall.

Ella: (Calls Kyle) Kyle? Where are you? It looks like you got your house on lockdown.

GTA V Character Switch (From Ella to Kyle)

Kyle FKZF: Yeah, um, I'm on a train right now.

Ella: You left Adventure Bay?!

Kyle FKZF: Yes.

Ella: Why?

Kyle FKZF: Well, let's see... you guys made me kick up a fuss at that stupid cat dance event yesterday.

Ella: But... what am I gonna do without you? What are the others gonna do without you? First Skye retires, now you left Adventure Bay without us knowing.

Kyle FKZF: Look Ella, I love you. But I need to be alone for a while, I'm only gonna be away for a few hours.

Ella: ...

Kyle FKZF: I gotta go, I'll be home soon. Trust me.

*Call ends*

Kyle FKZF: I have no idea what I'm gonna do when I get off this train.

Back with Ella...

After Kyle hung up, Ella felt sad.

Ella: (Sad Whimper + Sad Sniff x2)

Ella walked over to her doghouse and cried there.

Part 3 Next

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