A day in highschool life

613 36 7

Nightmare's POV

I found Craftolgy super boring and it seemed to go on forever even though I had missed the first half. All we learnt about was how to craft flint and steel. Which I already new how to do. Finally it ended and it was time to go to Mobology.

Me and Alex walked together through the hallway and she told me about how she had also been bullied and she tried to reassure me that there wasn't anything to worry about. When we got into the room we both sat at the back of the class.

I gulped when I saw the room clearly. There were mob heads all along the walls and signs about the best way to kill the different mobs. I felt very uncomfortable. Then I looked up onto the screen and saw something that sent 100 chills up my spine. It was about me. Nightmare. How I was now the prize mob for any player. I gulped and tried to look away. When the rest of the class had sat down, the teacher began to speak.

"Hello everyone. I hope you have all enjoyed your weekend, and I hope you are now ready to learn. Now I know there has been a lot of talk about the player-like mob known as Nightmare. And so today I have decided to do a lesson on it." She said with a (I know it's fake) sweet smile on her face. She had short black hair, grey eyes, and was wearing a black dress.

I gulped in fear of what was going to happen. I shrunk back in my seat and hoped no one would notice me. But I failed.

"And who are you?" She said pointing to me.

"Oh, I'm Grace. I'm actually new here." I replied quietly.

"Well hello Grace. My name is Mrs Spruce, and I hope you enjoy yourself." She replied back.

"I wish." I muttered quietly under my breath.

Mrs Spruce turned the board and started to write down on some signs. The sign read:

The player-like mob, Nightmare is a very dangerous mob from the Nether. It has killed or injured around 40 players and many villagers. The first appearance was on June the 4th when it attacked a 10 year old boy, none other that Steve Mineking. The heroic young boy managed to escape barely alive.

I felt even worse now. (If that's possible). To see that on a board in classroom was dreadful. I wanted to leave. They had it wrong. I had no choice. Steve, Steve, it's Steve's fault. If he hadn't tried to kill my friend, this never would have happened. Hatred filled me. It made me furious. I couldn't help it.

My hand shot up in the air (I think that's what you do to say something) and called out to the teacher.

"How do you know this is true?!" I yelled in rage at Mrs Spruce.

The teacher looked dumbfounded. She looked speechless. Good, I thought.

"Why, I don't know what you're talking about. These are full proof facts. " She said trying (and failing) to sound sweet and strong at the same time.

"However in case you didn't know, students will raise their hands, wait to be called by the teacher, then speak respectfully." She said a lot more sternly and threatening this time.

I had had enough. This wasn't learning. I stormed out of class and to the girl's bathroom without saying a word. Everyone was staring at me. I didn't care. The teacher looked speechless, and angry. I didn't care. Now everyone thought I was a weirdo. I didn't care.

When the bell finally went for lunch, I was super relieved. Surprisingly when I sat down at a table, Alex sat down next to me. Why didn't she go somewhere else, why did she come here with me? I was a "murderer" as Nightmare. And a total weirdo as Grace. Maybe she didn't have anyone else to go to? I wondered in my head.

"Hi." Alex said cheerfully. "I just, um, I was just wondering what you meant in Mobology?" She almost squeaked awkwardly.

"Oh. I just meant that I, wanted solid facts before people jumped to conclusions. And to be honest, I didn't really like the way the teacher spoke to me. That's all." I replied slightly confused.

"Ok." She said nicely and began to eat her watermelon.

I heard laughing in the corner of the room, and saw Steve. Then I remembered my task.

"Hey Alex. I was wondering if you new much about Steve, Steve Mineking."

"Um, well I know a bit about him." She replied.

"Can you tell me, all you know?"

"Ok. "

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