Insanity is just another gateway to Hell

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This is not good. Not good. Not good. Not good. She had thought it disappeared. Only to come back to plague her mind again. What would she give to rid of this unwanted feeling?

Davina kept moving and turning in her bed, unable to just lay still. She can't stop thinking about it. Her. God, her stupid face and her stupid smile and her stupid freckles that isn't even that noticeable! She has gone mad. She knows it. Should she ask her parents to apply her to a mental hospital? No, that would be too suspicious. They would question her about it. Maybe therapy? But therapy is too expensive. Talking helps. Though she doesn't have anyone to talk to besides herself. And talking to herself is making her feel more insane!

Groaning loudly, she sat up. Squishing and pinching her face just because. She turned to look at her reflection in her full length mirror, giving herself the middle finger before quickly stopping it when she heard her mom calling her from downstairs. As she made her way to the kitchen, her brother came zooming past her and almost tripping her. Filthy little gremlin.

Sitting down around the table, her Mom began putting the plates and dishes down. After her Dad had sat down, her Mom asked, "Who would like to lead the prayer?"

Davina was used to this everytime they ate. It had become a habit of hers to wait for her Mom to start leading the prayer, sometimes even praying on her own. They were a religious family. All the more reason not to let that feeling creep up on her. This time, she was not in the mood to lead the prayer herself. She was gonna pray silently for her benefit. Seeking help and guidance.

When no one had answered around the table, her Mom took the initiative to lead the prayer. Davina began praying silently for herself too. After it was finished, they all began eating. Davina, her Mom, her Dad, and her ugly brother.

"How was school?" Dad asked, taking a spoonful of rice.

Davina shrugged, cutting her rice into small portions before taking a bite, "It was okay. We've got another project."

"Again?" Mom asked, "Didn't you just finish the other one?"

"How are we even surprised at this point," she muttered to herself. "And no, Mom, I haven't finished the other one yet."

Her Mom hummed, nodding her head. "We didn't have that much school work back in my day. And what about you, young man?" She turned to her brother.

He shrugged, acting like he isn't listening. Davina had to fight the urge to slam her plate flat on his ugly, disgusting, frog-like face. But she wouldn't do that. She's a good girl.

"Hey, um, Mom?" She started. "How would you know if you like someone?"

As her Mom's eyes widened, Davina immediately regretted opening her mouth. "Do you like someone? Who is it? Is it that Pierre boy?"

Before she could deny it, her Dad added, "That boy acts like one of those queers. Didn't I tell you not to talk to him anymore?"

"He's not queer, Dad!" She snapped. "And it's not him. He's just my friend."

"Then which boy is it?" Her Mom inquired.

"It's.." Not a boy. "Nothing. Nevermind."

"You shouldn't have a boyfriend yet, Davina. You're still young. What if you accidentally got pregnant?" Her Mom advised, worriedly.

She grumbled loudly, burying her face in her hands for a second before turning to look at her Mom. "Why are you always talking about pregnancy? Jeez, I'm not interested in having a boyfriend." Or a girlfriend, for that matter.

Whatever her parents may have said, she didn't know. She didn't dare continue listening at whatever obvious warnings they might have said. After a minute or two, she got up from the table, her meal finished, as she returned to her room. She didn't waste another second before jumping onto her bed and covering herself with her blanket, getting ready to sleep.

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