Normalize the norm of being normal because that's the normality

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Sometimes people can't control who they are. No matter what kind of choices they take, or what kind of actions they do to erase it. A part of them would always be there for the rest of their lives. Maybe it's not always a bad thing, who they are. But they will be frowned upon, and it will be hard for them to accept the kind of person they are.

From the moment of their birth, it is as if they are tethered to a string, and every step they take pulls them further down a predetermined path, no matter how much they try to resist it.

Davina had always resisted it. Always pushed it down to her deepest core. Even when it resurfaces, even when it threatened to consume her and gain control. She kept on burying it, refusing to let it win, making sure it faded away.

It was hard. She can't just keep on concealing it. But she can't just let it get to her, either. Oh, how pleasant would life be if she was just normal.

Like a normal person. A normal girl. Normal. Normality.

That word kept popping up into her mind, even when she's sitting here, inside the church, supposedly listening to the preachings of the elder. It was Sunday today, a day where they go to church to listen and feel the God's warmth enveloping them. She shook her head and tried to concentrate, but the words kept entering her right ear then flowing out on the other.

Before she knew it, the meeting has ended. People in their suits and dresses has started to stand up and grab their belongings. Some has started to chat with others. While as the other few has begun cleaning up the hall. Davina and her parents started to leave as well.

"The topic today was great, wasn't it? You should have been listening, you know, you could have learned something." Said Davina's mom, only for Davina to get startled when she thought she got found out before calming herself and realizing her mom wasn't talking to her.

Her mom was talking to her brother. He was sleeping the whole time in the church! The little bastard. How could they just let him be then scold him now?

"What about you?" Her Mom asked. She was talking to Davina this time.

"Uh, yeah. It was great. Good stuff." Davina shrugged. Maybe her words weren't selling it, but her tone definitely did the trick. She can lie with ease, no matter the situation. A born talent, some could say. But it was all just practice. And maybe a little bit of talent.

As they got into their car, Davina quickly made her way to the back seat. Pulling out her phone from her bag, because- Duh. Swiping to get to the right app, she quickly tapped on the messenger icon. Waiting for replies from Pierre Quincey, her best friend.

Everytime the two of them were seen together, people would always think they're dating. Like, seriously. Can't people accept girls and boys be friends without any romantic feelings with each other?

As the screen materializes into all her recent chats, she got an unread message from Pierre, saying that tomorrow their teacher, Professor Riddle, was taking a leave of absent. Excitement flooded her. She couldn't stop herself from smiling widely inside the car. She tries to compose herself, of course. Can't have her parents looking at her and thinking she's up to something in her phone.

But she's just so relieved and delighted. She can't help but rejoice at the fact. It might seem weird for her to be acting like this, but if it were any other student, the reaction would be the same, more than her even. Professor Riddle was just a menace of a teacher. Strict and always in a foul mood. The worse combinations in a teacher. Being strict is fine, but he's always angry. That means he's always taking out his anger on students. Giving them surprise quizzes, longer exams but a short time period, and loads and loads of activities. Can't have a break from that man.

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