What time is it? It's time for lunch!

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"I'm Davina Matthews, and I stuttered and acted like a complete buffoon in front of a stranger." Pierre mimicked Davina's voice with an exaggerated high pitched tone. Davina had refused to talk through the rest of their class earlier. Leaving Pierre to making fun of her this lunch time, outside of their school building.

"Shut up." Davina gritted out as she threw a lettuce in his face, "And she's hardly a stranger. She's our classmate."

He caught the lettuce with his mouth as he said, "Yes, a classmate in which you have never spoken to. Hardly a stranger." The sarcasm in his voice was there but Davina tried not to let it get to her.

"What even happened back there? You never told me." He leaned closer, putting a hand under his chin with his elbow resting against the table.

She sighed, leaning back against the hard wooden chair, "Even I don't know. There's just something about her that shook me to my core."

What did really happen there, though? Was it something she ate this morning? Was the vibes not it? Was the part of her brain that's intended for her normalcy suddenly short circuited? This was all too confusing for her.

"Mm. If you don't know, I don't know either. And I hate not knowing." He sighed, eating his last piece of food.

Grabbing her phone, Davina checked the time. It was 10 minutes before she and Harriet were gonna meet up at the library! She quickly got up and started to pack up her half-eaten lunch. Drinking a bit of water before saying her goodbyes to Pierre, who is too dumbstruck to even question her actions.

She was not about to let herself be late as she quickly walked to the school's library.


2 minutes before 12:30pm. Good thing she arrived early. Davina was sitting in one of the tables at the Library. After she got there, she quickly took out books that are about their project. She piled them one by one on the desk as she waited for Harriet to come.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

The sound of the clock was boring onto her head. She was getting paranoid. Was this the right time? Was she supposed to arrive a bit later? Or maybe a bit earlier?

12:29pm. Can't time go any faster? It's only a minute left! She grumbled as she dropped her head onto the table. Making a loud thud sound. Maybe this was a mistake. Maybe Harriet already came earlier. Davina really wanted to swear now. F-fffffu......

"Oh, hey. Are you sleeping?"

She quickly straightened her back at the sound of that voice. Turning her head as she looked up at Harriet. "Oh, heyyy," She chuckled awkwardly, "How long have you been there?"

"Just right now," Harriet shrugged. "Have you woken up yet?"

Davina wanted nothing more than to bury herself on the ground right now. "Yup."

Nodding, Harriet sat down on the chair opposite to her. She looked at all the books stacked in front of her. "So, uh, we're gonna be needing...all this?"

"Yeah..?" Davina didn't understand why that's even a question. These books should be way more, actually. She had thought once Harriet came, both of them would look for more books.

"Well, I guess, I just didn't realize that we'd need.. 1,2,3,4.. How many books is that exactly?"

"14 books." Davina replied bluntly.

"Oh, wow." Harriet smiled awkwardly, "We- we're the ones reading all that?"

Davina raised an eyebrow. Why does she keep asking the obvious? "Who else is gonna read them?"

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