Chapter 4

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Y/n's pov:

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

Y/n's pov:

It's been a couple of hours since the Lord Commander took control of mine and Little Cato's bodies. And since then, he has managed to kill everyone else in this prison. Prisoners, guards, everyone.

The Lord Commander gets up on one of the nearest brigs' before placing me under him a little to the left. Like he's creating a scene. He send's Little Cato through the door in front of us, before saying:
"This is going to be fun"

After a couple of minutes, Little Cato finally gets back before the door quickly closes behind him. The door opens again, and inn comes Avocato and a human, who I can only assume is Gary.

'Man, it's been a while since I last saw another human' I think before hearing the Lord Commander say:

"Surprise? You gotta be kidding" Gary says
"Dude, no one's surprised" says Avocato
"I spent many hours of my day planning this. Everyone in the entire prison was murdered for this surprise!" The Lord Commander says getting angry as he speaks.
"Well, I don't know what to tell ya. I don't think it was worth it." Gary says
"Silance!" The Lord Commander yells before sending me running straight towards Gary, making me kick away his gun before taking his hands behind his back.

"I have more surprises for you, the Gary" the Lord Commander says
"Just... Gary" Gary says in frustration
'Seems like it's not the first time Gary has had to correct the Lord Commander' I think.

The Lord Commander sends Little Cato running at Avocato attacking him before he gets a chance to help Gary. The Lord Commander then comes flying over towards us as Gary says:
"Get on with it, you fun-sized devil"
"We both know you won't tell me where Mooncake is, so I think it's time I find him myself" The Lord Commander says as he raises his hand, eyes glowing as he starts searching Gary's mind.

Gary starts to scream in pain as he fight's the Lord Commander on reading his mind. At the same time, I hear Little Cato and Avocato fighting behind me.

The Lord Commander keeps digging in Gary's mind and finally figure out where Mooncake is, and let's go of his mind before saying:
"Mooncake is aboard the Galaxy one"
"No. He's right here" Gary says as a stream of green energy blasts the Lord Commander to the ground, freeing my mind in the process as I let go of Gary's arms and fall to the ground.

Gary looks back at me before helping me stand up.
"Thanks" I say quick rubbing my head.
"No problem" he answers with a small smile.
"Time to go, bud!" Avocato says walking up to us with Little Cato on his tail.
"Name's Gary, by the way. Nice to see your paws touching the ground" he introduces himself to Little Cato as Avocato hands him a gun.

"Little Cato. nice to meet you to" he says
"And you?" Avocato says looking at me.
"Y/n" I answer
"Huh, that's the name of-" Gary starts, but gets cut off by Avocato pushing us along saying:
"We need to get to the Galaxy One!" while a couple of gourds come around the corner and starts shooting at us.

We start running down the hall towards the exit when we get to a lock door. I quickly tap the code I had memorized before we continue running.
"Nice" Avocato says amused after I unlock the door.

We get to another locked door, and this time we just blow it up.
"That was tight" Gary says with a smirk
"Let's move it" Avocato says, and we run down the platform before it blows up.

I look back seeing Little Cato at the edge as Avocato helps him up. I can't help but smile a bit at the sight. More guards show up starting to shoot at us as we run further down the platform.

"Quinn! Where are you?" Gary says speaking to someone through his earpiece. Before a ship appears around the corner and lowers a rope.
"Oh Quinn, you really do love me" Gary says as we grab hold of the rope.

We get onboard the ship, I see Gary being greeted by Mooncake and a beat up KVN before meeting eyes with a woman, I amuse is Quinn.

Avocato gives Little Cato a big hug and says:
"As excited as I am about today, I'm even more excited for tomorrow"
"Yeah" Little Cato answers, hugging his father tighter.
I smile looking at the reunion between father and son, and at the fact that I'm finally free from the Lord Commander.

But that doesn't last long as Avocato notices something on the Little Cato's back. And that's when I hear it to, a bomb, beeping faster and faster by the second.

"No" Avocato says taking the bomb in his hands
"No" Gary and I say at the same time.
"Take care of my boy" Avocato says locking eyes with Gary before running to the other side of the room
"No! D-Dad!" Little Cato yells starting to run after his father before Gary grabs hold of him.

I watch it all happen in slow motion when Avocato dives forwards as the bomb goes off. Gary holds the kid closer as the air starts to pull out into space. A forcefield appears stopping the air from disappearing completely, and Gary lets go of Little Cato.

Little Cato walks up to the forcefield and falls to his knees crying. And I can't help shed a tear myself.

Stick together - A Final Space story Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz