Chapter Four - The mysterious man and the small boat

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The mysterious man was standing at the grave, just looking down at the initials engraved, by the looks of it this headstone looked rather weather worn and at least a few years old. The enigmatic man stood for a few more moments before turning and leaving, as quietly as he had come. The gravestone sat in the rain, looking pretty worn down, the once bright soft blue, of the engraved initials "LZ", had now turned a soft faded blue.

The grey stone still stood tall, but was slowly wearing down at the top. Where the harsh rain and snow would lash down upon the stone. The Cool Spring woods once again were empty, the harsh snow had now decided to stop again. The wind blew softly now through the trees, so all that could be heard were soft whistles and no footsteps. The young man was now on a small sheltered boat, on the way to his small city nearby. This city was called Yilling. The young man was sitting on a small bench under the little shelter that was on the small boat. The sea was oddly calm for this time of year, so the little bat didn't rock as much. Muc to the young man's delight, as he had motion sickness but only for boats.

The young man was silently looking ahead, at all of the wintry sea views. The sky was now clear white, the water was a saturated ocean blue, with small waves ripping all along the services of the once calm waters, this was caused by the small boat. All the young man could see was the sea and slowly darkening sky. The young man lay down on one bench to rest his eyes, as his journey ahead was 7 hours long by boat. The person rowing the boat had sat down for 10 minutes to rest his now aching arms, after rowing them for 2 and a half hours straight, in the bitter cold. And icy waters, The sailor stood once again and continued to row the small boat. The sky had now become considerably darker, which caused the wind to pick up alot. Unsettling the once calm waters, the small bat started to rock more. This alerted the young man, he sat up quickly, after feeling himself get a little sick, from all the rocking. The young man sat with his head over the edge of the small boat, to get more fresh air, in hopes of calming his turning stomach down. 

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