Chapter two - 7 years later

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It was once again, another bleak and bitter winter. In the city of Gusu, The Cool Spring woods hadn't changed at all, just as it had always been. WIth only one difference, there was now a small headstone. With the initials "LZ" engraved on the front. At the base of the headstone, sat a young man. Who was speaking quietly and softly to the headstone, as if he was talking to a sleeping person. Though in a way he was talking to a sleeping person, with just one difference.

At the end of the cool spring woods, stood a crystal white, stone arch. Upon the stone arch, the letters "The Lan Clan of Gusu." was engraved in a wintery soft blue. Further within that arch, stood a tall and wide building. With a long thin building, attached to the side. Across from the two conjoined buildings, stood a small wooden bridge, going over a crystal clear blue stream, that looked so cold yet refreshing.

To the far left stood a huge wall, with loads of words engraved into it. The first line read "The Lan Clan of Gusu - Wall of Discipline". On the wall it looked like it had around 4000 rules. Beside this huge wall stood a tall white stone pillar, That had Chinese letters engraved down it. This pillar read "The Cloud Recesses". The young man stood at the entrance, just in front of the main stone arch. He didn't dare enter. The main reason for this was because, That young master that had saved him years ago belonged to this clan. When the young man would visit the headstone on his walks through the cool spring woods, he would often take detours and come to place.He never knew why, he just knew he had to at least see this place after seeing the grave. 

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