Chapter 31: Only Three

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Jenny's POV

You know that awkward moment when you're just staying not knowing what to say, what to do, how to act, don't you? Everything is quiet. Silence and nothing else. You're confused and kinda scared. You don't know the man in front of you. You know nothing about him. Except that he can kill you.

I glance at Mina and she looks back at me. She doesn't look as afraid from him as me.

"Mi." the man's lips form in a little smirk as he take a step closer to us "Do you want to help us and stay alive or you prefer to save your friend and die?"

From behind the big figure of the boss shows someone. I can't see his face but I guess it's a young man. God! I'm so confused! What the hell is going on here?!


What the fuck?! So this is Kogie?! Why everybody are such traitors?!

Mina quickly jumps on his neck and hugs him tightly. The whole love situation reminds me on Lynch. I can't help and a tear runs down my cheek. I can imagine myself and him on Mi and Kogie's place. I take a quick look of the room where are we since it's brighter.

"Come with me." I hear Kogie's whispers and turn my head towards them.

God! Lynch! Where are you?! I need you! Please! Another tear slides down my face.

My eyes are focused on the couple right next to the boss. Mina slowly nods her head. So she will betray us too? Okay, I'm used to be betrayed.

Then Mi looks up at the tall man "Be careful with her." then she turns her blue head towards me and shots me with a weak smile "Let's hope that Lynch can live without you." my jaw drops on the floor "I'd rather you die than he die."

With quick steps they leave and the door shuts loudly behind them.

What should I do now?! Maybe she is right, isn't she? Lynch deserves to live. I don't.

Lynch's POV

Every time...

"Ross, we have no milk."

...when I close my eyes...

"Can you go to the supermarket and buy?"

...I see her...

"I'll give you money."

...I see Jen...

"Ross! Are you deaf?!" Momma startles me from my thoughts.

I quickly fake a smile at her and nod. I get the money which she has left on the countertop in the kitchen and glance quickly at that Marty girl and Luke. A few minutes ago she jumped on him and started to hit him and now they are thinking of a plan where is Jen...

"Hurry up!" Momma yells again.

A little bit annoyed I storm out of the house and go down the street straight towards the supermarket.

My mind is confused. Jen is missing? Jen? Is missing? Jen is missing... Well, probably I sound like some idiot but I can't understand. My brain can't assimilate so much information at once. I'm not a genius, okay?

My girl is somewhere. There is nobody to protect her, nobody to take care of her, nobody to make her feel safe.

Suddenly my phone starts to vibrate in my pocket. I quickly take it out. It's an unknown number. My heart mentally jumps in my chest.

"Hello?" I pick up.

"Where are you?" Johnson's voice speaks. A sigh escapes my lips. I don't know why did I hope that it could be Jen. She doesn't even know my number.

"I'm going to the supermarket. Why?"

"I need your help."

"What?" I stop and raise my eyebrows although he can't see me.

"Actually we need your help."

"What are you taking about."

"Just come."

"Where are you?"

"I'm surrounded."

"By what?"

"By traitors. Kogie, Mina, Lotta, Gilinsky. Everybody want your death."

"What the fuck?" I laugh "Is this some kind of a joke? Yeah, it was funny. Now you can stop."

"I'm serious, Lynch!" he almost yells through the phone "I'll wait you on the Main Street Subway Station. Hurry up!"

The line goes dead. I look around. There is no one. I'm all alone. Hah, what the hell?! I lose nothing if I go, right? I must help Jack. I start to sprint towards Main Street.

Johnson, I'm coming!

Johnson's POV

Woah! I'm glad that I managed to call Lynch! Actually I haven't seen phone booths in a while but this neighborhood is kinda odd and creepy so who cares?!

I glance at the subway station in front of me. The only thing that separates us is Main Street.

Thinking about what just has happened I can't believe that Gilinsky left me! My brother from another mother left me for one shitty hoe!? That's unfair! What about Mina?! I've never expected this from her! But she walks after Kogan like his shadow. God! That son of a bitch! I hate him so much! I've never liked him, I've never felt him like a part of our little family. And in the end there are only Duke, Lynch, Lucas and me...

I turn my head left and then right to see if a car comes. It doesn't. I quickly run across the street and then down the stairs to the subway. A small TV screen hangs from the ceiling. I didn't bother to focus on it and sit on a bench next to two old women.

"Yes, yes, I can't believe that there are so many stupid teenagers." one of them mumbles and I turn my head towards her.

"I've never thought of suicide when I was on their age." the other one nods. What the hell are they talking about?! "Maybe they think it's brave to jump of the rooftop but I think it's stupid."

"It is."

I raise my eyebrows "I'm sorry but what has happened?"

They both turn their heads towards me "A boy has jumped from the roof of his house a few days ago. Haven't you heard?"

I shake my head and lean on the bench. Woah! They are right! I would never do something that stupid like killing myself. I lift up my head and glance at the TV screen. The news start.

"Two days ago the seventeen-years-old teenager Duke Hayes has jumped from the roof of the house of his adoptive parents..."

"Here it is." one of the old ladies points at the TV screen.

I gulp. Duke? Our Duke? My eyes open widely. I can't believe this. It's not true, right? It's just a prank. Unfortunately it can't be...

"Hey, bro!" a familiar voice exclaims.

I stand up and turn around only to see Lynch smiling. I don't say anything, just look back at the small TV screen. He follows my eyes and his happy face quickly fades...

"Now there are only three of us left." he whispers not moving his gaze "Only three."

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