31. ...And The Devil

Start from the beginning

"But I'm also your creator." He hissed. Y/N squeezed his eyes shut, a sick feeling rising in his stomach. "Your mindset... your personality... your skills... your looks... and your muscles..." Kuroi ran his hand slowly down Y/N's neck, across his collarbone and to his chest.

Y/N wanted to throw up. He squirmed, trying to break away, but the man didn't let him go. His eyes didn't have any emotion in them - he touched Y/N like he was touching a machine, analysing the performance and looking over the casing.

"I made you. I broke you into little tiny pieces on the floor and stitched you back together with my own string. Everything of yours, I gave you. You'd be good to remember that."

Y/N's mouth went dry, and his body stopped shaking. From behind the one-way glass, Anri watched in mute horror as the boy's expression changed into a completely dull, blank one. Y/N nodded obediently, his quiet voice audible through the microphone. "I apologise, creator."

Ego Jinpachi was with her. His face was cool and composed as ever, but his hands betrayed a shred of anger as he formed loose fists.

"Good." Kuroi stood up, apparently satisfied as he left Y/N propped up against the wall, doll-like in his lack of movement or emotion. "No matter what you think, I just came here to see you again. See how my little godling has progressed in life."

Y/N didn't reply. Kuroi wasn't fazed, taking a step away as he shrugged. "The results aren't too bad, I suppose. Definitely has potential for improvement, but I think if I pushed you any more, you'd just break in two." He laughed.

"I look forward to seeing what my godling can do." Kuroi spoke now to the one-way glass, looking directly at Anri even though she knew he couldn't possibly see her. "Keep training him. Give him challenges. And whatever you do, make sure he gets out into the world. I spent too much on him for him not to succeed."

He walked straight out of the room, even though Anri hadn't unlocked the door yet. Kuroi simply nudged it aside like it was nothing, leaving both Anri and Ego's view.

Y/N was left there. He looked completely lifeless, his usually cheerful face and lively eyes nowhere to be seen. Eventually, without being allowed to leave, he picked himself up, each small movement taking a huge effort.

Then he walked out of the door as well, looking like a completely different boy to when he'd walked in.


If he was being honest, Y/N didn't want to go back to his dorm.

Instead, he wandered the hallways, trying his best to shove aside the memories, the sheer fear that filled him. He hated it - why did he react like this? Why was he so scared of anything Ascension-related?

"Stupid fucking PTSD." He swore, sighing as he leant against the wall. Placing a hand on his heart, he took a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself down. You're safe... you're okay... he can't hurt you. Anymore.

Somehow, he'd managed to make his way to the Rivalry Battle's 4v4 training room. The sign above the door glowed, right next to him, and Y/N briefly considered his options. Stay here and probably have a breakdown, or go inside and lose himself training.

Y/N walked over to the door, shoulders slumping as the door automatically opened and he walked in.

The room was quite large, the size of a full pitch. Lights automatically flickered on as Y/N entered, and the Bluelock Man hologram sprung to life in the goal. Spare sets of boots and socks were lined up against the wall, and Y/N grabbed a clean pair, sliding them on.

"Welcome to the Rivalry Battle's 4 versus 4 training room." A calm electronic voice spoke, adding on his name. "Y/N L/N."

He moved forwards, scooping up a soccer ball from the ground. Countless balls littered the edge of the field, a huge amount near the Bluelock Man's goal. When he neared the centre of the room, he noticed a small remote on the floor. "Hmm?"

Y/N picked it up. It was simple, with only a red button in the middle that he could press. Y/N immediately pressed it, and in the centre of the field, a hatch opened in the ceiling and a ball fell to the floor.

"Oh." He walked slowly over to it, prodding the ball with his toe like it might be alive. There was obviously no movement, and eventually, he kicked the ball forwards, walking after it.

He got a few metres off the centre line, before he raised both eyes to look at Bluelock Man. The hologram was in a ready position, crouched to receive his kick.

Y/N lined up his shot carefully, not caring that he was a huge distance away. He took three steps back, concentrating on the ball. Then, he darted forwards, using his momentum to kick the ball hard and fast towards the goal.

It wasn't a fancy shot by any means. Nor was it a particularly difficult ball to save. Y/N hadn't bothered putting spin on it, or making it change direction. No, he'd just blasted it straight forwards, towards the bottom corner.

Bluelock Man had plenty of time to react, Y/N being far across the pitch. Yet, the hologram barely managed to save his shot, leaping across and barely managing to punch the ball away. It hit the inside post with a clang, ricocheting far away.

Y/N swore under his breath. His head drooped, and he sat down heavily, folding one leg under him and allowing the other to extend. Raising both hands to his face, he sighed into his palms.

"I'm telling you, you're gonna die from malnutrition!"

"But eating takes more energy..."

"Everything takes energy, Mr Hassle Man! Stop being lazy!"

"Guys, chill out! We're on the same team!"

"Wait, shut up. This argument is hella funny."

"You peasants."

"That's a downgrade. Other people call me princess."

"Didn't ask."


"Anyways, we still need to find a team to play against. Rin's team has moved on by now, surely? They crushed us."

"No, Rin's team is still here. I saw Bachira in the cafeteria."

"So that lousy Y/N is still here too then?"

"Wait, why is the king asking about a 'lowly commoner'? I thought you were above caring who you played."

"Shut it."

"I do wanna play Rin again though..."

"I wanna sleep..."

"W-wait, what?! Is that...?"

"Y/N? It looks like him..."

"It is!" 

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